Journal Article Review: Review the impact of common medical issues for persons with autism (e.g., seizure disorders, chronic otitis media, chronic constipation or diarrhea, eating and sleep issues, use of psychotropic medications, etc.)

Journal Article Review Instructions
Article Selection
Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article related to the provided topic. The article you select must have been published within the last 5 years. Read the article several times.Be sure you have demonstrated a good understanding of the article by the key points, the research findings, and future research considerations, before you begin writing.

Writing Guidelines
Write a 250–300-word review of the article. You must clearly focus on the context of the article including key points, research findings, and future research considerations. Include these as headings to ensure that you cover each one.  The key points section should provide an overall summary for what the article is about.  The reseach findings sections should provide an overall description as well as details for what the study was about (ie purpose of the study, who participants were, what the study revealed/showed through the findings).  The future research considerations section should share what future studies the article thinks should occur or plans to conduct and/or ideas you may have for future studies that are needed.
Do not copy or quote from the article;you must paraphrase the article in your own words, using in-text citations. For example, if you include figures or demographics in the review, be sure to cite the information properly.Do not submit the actual journal article.
Begin the review with a strong introduction regarding the overall purpose or objectives of the article and the research. Write clear and appropriate transitions from one key point to the next. End with a strong conclusion.You must demonstrate excellent sentence fluency, coherent and unified sentences, correct spelling, correct punctuation, and good word choice.  The review must be written in third person.  Only one journal article may be referred to, cited, and referenced.

APA Format
The reviews mustbe in current APA format. Take special note of the following guidelines:

  • Double spacing,
  • 1-inch margins on all sides,
  • 12-point Times New Roman font,
  • At least one in-text citation,and
  • References listed on a separate reference page with hanging indents and double-spacing.
  • Include three headings (key points, research findings, future research considerations).


  • Journal Article Review 1: Best Practices in the assessment of autism spectrum disorder. This may include Developmental and behavioral issues in assessing persons with autism spectrum disorders
  • Journal Article Review 2: The implications of dual diagnoses (autism and any other diagnosis from the DSM-V) and comorbidity
  • Journal Article Review 3: The impact of common medical issues for persons with autism (e.g., seizure disorders, chronic otitis media, chronic constipation or diarrhea, eating and sleep issues, use of psychotropic medications, etc.)
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