Laws and Regulations Protecting Children: discuss the pros and cons of laws designed to protect children on the Internet. Respond to the following: Please identify two laws that protect children on the Internet. What is their purpose? Do you feel these laws are adequate in protecting children on the Internet?

During this module you have reviewed laws that are designed to protect children when they use Internet resources. However, some individuals have filed lawsuits claiming that some of these restrictions violate their right to free speech. In this forum, you will discuss the pros and cons of laws designed to protect children on the Internet. Respond to the following: Please identify two laws that protect children on the Internet. What is their purpose? Do you feel these laws are adequate in protecting children on the Internet? Please support your answer with research, examples and discussion. As you have learned in security, there is always a balancing act when applying security regulations. In the case of the protection of children on the Internet, some have claimed that in doing so the federal government has restricted their right to free speech. What is your opinion of this claim? Please support your answer with research, examples and discussion.

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