M07 Discussion: Library Orientation Assignment
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The best supported speeches will offer support from a variety of sources. Your next formal speech, the Informative Speech, requires that you use sources from at least 3 different types of sources.
NOTE: The purpose of this assignment is for your instructor to know that you know how to find information in the Library. If your initial search does not return any results, try a different search term related to your original (maybe use a thesaurus to find similar terms). If you truly cannot find any results related to the topic you intend to use for your Informative Speech, then search for a different subject – consider searching for something you might use for your persuasive speech.
Respond to this Discussion and post your answers to the following questions. All answers can be found on the Ivy Tech Library website. You will have to post your new thread before you can see your classmates’ posts. There is no need to respond to 2 classmates for this Discussion.
TOPIC for Informative Speech:
1. What are the options for contacting a librarian to get help with your research or get questions answered?
2. Use the Discovery Search box to search for a full-text journal article that could provide you with supporting material for your informative speech. Then complete the information below.
1. What key word(s) did you use? How many articles did you find on your topic? (If your search did not return any results, try searching for a different term related to your subject – for example if you searched for “Dog Shows” and found nothing, try searching for “Dogs” instead.)
2. Which, if any, Boolean operators did you use and how (AND, OR, NOT – to limit search, expand search, etc.)?
3. Select one full-text article that you can use for your speech. What is the title?
4. Save this article or send it to your e-mail account. Which did you do?
3. Quotations can be a great way to begin or end your speech, or can add support within your speech. Go to IvyFYI (Click on Search & Find, then References, the 4th option down) and find the section titled Quotations. Choose one from the 5 websites there suggested to help you find quotations. Find one quotation related to your next informative speech and provide the following information:
Source of Quotation:
Author and Date of Publication:
4. Under the Audio-Visual tab under Search & Find (main library page), find 2 images, or audio files, or video clips that are related to the topic for your next informative speech.
5. From Search & Find, select Articles, and scroll down to select Lexus Nexus Academic (Now Nexus-Uni). Search for a newspaper article related to your topic and provide the following:
Title of article:
6. Using the same search results from number 5 above, select Publication Type from the list on the left, then “Magazines & Journals.” Choose an article you might use for your speech and provide the following:
Title of article:
7. Please write your thoughts about using the library. What did you like and what if anything did you find frustrating? What could you do next time to make this easier?
M08 Discussion: Create Audience Analysis using Survey Monkey
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Create a questionnaire with 2 fixed-alternative questions, 2 scale questions, and 2 open-ended questions related to the topic for your Informative Speech using Survey Monkey at www.surveymonkey.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Detailed instructions on how to do this are here: Guideline for Audience Analysis using Survey Monkey.
Respond to this Discussion and post the link to your survey in the thread. Your link must be posted by WEDNESDAY of the week this module is due to allow time for your classmates to answer your survey.
Be sure to complete ALL of your classmates’ surveys. When you answer their questions, you will be doing so anonymously, so please be honest in your answers and answer in enough detail that he or she will have something to work with. Answer your classmates’ questions like you’re hoping they will answer yours.
M09 Discussion: The Case for Short Words
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Read the article A Case for Short Words. Then write out the Introduction and Conclusion for your Informative Speech (due next module) using as many short words as you can. Try to use all one syllable words, with no more than 10 multiple syllable words. Think of this as a fun challenge. Challenge yourself to do something different than what you’re used to. You are not required, but you are encouraged to use these introductions and conclusions as you deliver your speeches next module.
Respond to this Discussion and post your Introduction and Conclusion for your Informative Speech. Be sure to respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts.
M10 Discussion: Sample Speech – the Hidden World of Chili Peppers
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Go to McGraw-Hill by clicking on the link on the left. From the assignments on the front page select and watch the “Needs improvement” version of the speech “the Hidden World of Chili Peppers.” Then answer the following questions before you go on:
1. What specifically did this speaker do well? (list 3-5 things)
2. What specifically can this speaker improve upon for next time? (3-5 items)
Watch the “Final version” of the same speech (also on McGraw-Hill Connect). Then answer the following questions:
1. What specifically did the speaker do well this time? (3-5 items)
2. What specifically could this speaker have done better this time, if anything?
3. Do you think everyone in our class is capable of delivering a speech like the “needs improvement” version? Do you think everyone is capable of delivering a speech like the “Final version”?
4. What makes the difference between the first and second versions of the speech?
Respond to this Discussion and submit your answers to the above questions. Be sure to respond to at least 2 of your classmates.