Develop a 3-5 page (5-7 page with title page and reference page, paper exceeding 7 pages will be deducted 5 points) paper describing their personal nursing philosophy. The paper will be a scholarly paper with a title page, references, and APA format. An abstract is not necessary. Because this is a personal philosophy you can use first person to write the paper. Limit quotations (very, very limited quotes, 1-2 at the most) to key words and essential phrases only, no block quotes allowed. I want to see paraphrased sentences when you describe the theory/theorist not quotes from a textbook or journal article.
Include at least 3 sources from the course (textbook -counted as one regardless of the number of theorists cited), journal articles, nursing theorist videos or literature (additional journal articles from the library), or a book written by one of the nursing theorists to support your paper. The paper must be submitted as a word document (no pdf), 1″ margins, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman and double spaced.
1) Identify three major tenets of your personal philosophy of nursing. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2018) defines tenet as “a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; especially: one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession (n.p.).” Discuss how you came to believe those ideals.
2) Identify the theorist(s)/theory(ies) that resonates most closely with your personal philosophy of nursing.
3) Describe the common beliefs between the theorist(s)/theory(ies) and your personal philosophy.
4) Identify a situation where you have used (or could have used) the theory to direct your activities with patients/clients. Describe how the use of the theory guided care influenced the quality of care provided.
5) You have learned about Leininger’s transcultural theory, include your beliefs about the importance of understanding the patient’s culture on your nursing practice.