Presentation review: Explain whether the visual aids properly complemented the presentation. Describe what you would do differently. Include the hyperlink of the video in your essay.


  • Length: Approximately 1500 words (6 – 7 double-spaced pages)
  • Use APA style for title and reference pages
  • Cite all sources used, including the textbook

Answer these essay questions:

  1. Find a presentation on YouTube or other website. Use the information on presentations Chapter 5 to critique the presentation. Explain whether you think the presentation was well planned and organized and why. Explain whether the visual aids properly complemented the presentation. Describe what you would do differently.  Include the hyperlink of the video in your essay.
  2. A new employee at your firm has come to you for help. Because her boss is on maternity leave, she must give the annual financial presentation to the C level executives. Your colleague is very competent and knows the presentation’s information very well. However, she is very worried about being able to deliver the presentation because she has never done so before. She has asked you to help her identify possible issue with delivering the presentation and help her address them. Draw up a memo of possible issues she might face with regard to the delivery, and how she can work to overcome them.
  3. Building on the scenario from Question #3, imagine that same colleague just found out her presentation is going to be teleconferenced to executives in the Japan and India offices. She has now asked you for advise on what to wear, how to speak to both the audience in the room and on the monitors, etc. Draft another document that explains to your colleague how she can effectively use electronic media to enhance her presentation.
  4. Complete Exercise 5-3 on page 147 of the textbook by submitting an outline of your persuasive presentation.
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