Quality Care for Dementia Patients / Creativity and Imagination

Quality Care for Dementia Patients / Creativity and Imagination
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Dementia is a condition that affect many people when they start aging, the condition has different stages and therefore care given to the patients vary. Moreover, there are different strategies used to improve the condition of person with dementia. The approach may be general or specialized through various people such as care giver, family members, nurses and the person. Pool Activity Level (PAL) is among them, aimed at promoting interventions for behaviors change, promoting independence of the patients and the intervention to improve. The approach is a process aimed at promoting quality life to the person with dementia.
Literature review
People with dementia require a lot of help and assistance, and therefore, actions and strategies are necessary to ensure there is immediate intervention for patients with dementia so as for them to improve the quality of life. The paper will look at an adequate response, which is non-pharmacological and will help the dementia patient thus decreasing behaviors in them. The behavior decrease of a dementia patient is also as a result of medication, which is much necessary for maintaining quality care for the patient. Many more strategies can be used to help patients improve the quality of their life. PAL is a strategy used to offer activity-based care to patients including people with dementia. The PAL has sensory intervention to be used to help the patient with dementia such as facilitating participation.
The approach may be from a specialist or individualized.
The literature review on this paper focuses on some themes target towards dementia patient in improving the quality of life. The theme to be addressed include the benefits of supporting pool activity level (PAL), the individualized behavior activities, cognitive interventions, and personalized activities that assist in dementia care. The behavioral, medication, and non-medication is based on the response but they require an experienced caregiver with dementia patients.
Before engaging a person with dementia, it is essential to have a strategy. Engagement activities of PAL can be used in four levels depending on the cognitive ability of the person (Pool, 2011). First, planned activity level, at this level, the person with dementia is engaged, but there is no tangible outcome. Moreover, the patient may not be able to solve the problems that may arise. At this stage, the caregiver needs to engage the person in participation by helping solve problems that come. Also, the person with dementia may be assisted to on how to keep sentences short and most importantly focus on activities that contribute to achieving tangible results. Secondly, exploratory activity level – In this level, the actions to the person with dementia are similar to the surroundings. At this point, the result is not much, like the experience the person with dementia will acquire. In facilitating the participation, steps are followed and include making the first contact, then ensure the person is engaged in simple and understandable instructions. After that, the carer uses a natural approach creatively, and in the process of facilitating the activity is broken into manageable chunks.
Thirdly, Sensory activity level. The activity targets the person with dementia to move their body while business is experiencing the sensation. In facilitating participation, the person with dementia shown on how to carry out activities of a single step. Later, the person assured it had experienced a variety of sensations of which is enhanced by reinforcing demonstrations with straightforward directions. Lastly, reflex activity level – at this level, the person may be unaware of the environment surrounding our own body, and in this regard, the body sensory stimulation maybe low. The participation is facilitated through direct sensory stimulation, but it regulated to avoid over-stimulation in raising self-awareness. The activities are essential for a person with dementia as they will unlock the potential, and the carer will even understand people with cognitive impairment have abilities. After doing those activities, the person will have significant improvement.
However, not every person with dementia will be willing to corporate and engage in improvement activities peacefully. Some will be resistant, and their potential won’t be revealed. The condition develops progressively, and many accept having the state when it goes extreme.
Many patients deny having dementia problem, and once diagnosed, they become affected psychologically making them change behavior. Moreover, people living with dementia patient have a psychological impact because they cater to them despite being stressful. The family members may fail to detect the condition early unless one is careful in terms of their loved ones, especially the old ones. Patients with dementia have higher chances of having depression and anxiety after confirmation of their condition (Caga, 2019). After is diagnosed with dementia, it likely to have emotions disbelief, and the universal emotions are a loss, anger, grief, and fear. Therefore, it is essential for the patient with dementia to be encouraged regularly and letting them express their feelings. People with dementia require help more often, and sometimes, it is challenging if the family cannot cater to the patient. The dementia journey progress is tiresome and requires a lot of dedication to the extent of giving up daily work to look after the patient. The care givers are forced to take the responsibilities previously managed by the patient. The family members play a critical role since they are also viewed as caregivers, and they experience strains and burden, thus compromising family functioning (Svendsboe, 2018). The involvement may affect the carer negatively if not preventive health measures are not established. When a person has dementia, it is a condition and not disability and therefore the person have ability to handle various task. People with dementia requires to be engaged in meaning activity only.
Behavioral interventions
Psychological Interventions – A person with dementia need non-pharmacological, especially at early stages, to maintain a functioning cognitive (Civerchia, 2018). The enthusiasm and creativity of practitioners have not been followed in the assessment of systematic outcomes. Therefore, hindering range of diversity and interventions developed that may do justice. Some approaches focus on cognitive ability to reduce the rate of dementia. First, cognitive stimulation engages engagement and exposure with materials and activities where cognitive processing is done within the group based and social context. Secondly, cognitive training – the patient with dementia require specific training exercise towards achieving cognitive functions (Duan, 2018). The training is needed to be done repetitively with a lot of practice. This may be done with the assistance of another individual, group, or computer-assisted. Thirdly, cognitive rehabilitation – the rehabilitation may involve the patient with dementia working towards achieving personal goals, which may be individually tailored. The improvement may be made with external cognitive assistance, whereas the strategies are carefully targeted as psychological interventions for the patient to improve.
Moreover, other traditional approaches may be designed in the evaluation of rehabilitation programs used by carers and the person with dementia. One of the most typical stimulation for people with dementia is multi-sensory, especially the one with the severe or moderate condition (Loewenstein, 2004). Though cognitive simulation was widely used, there are concerns over its insensitive application and inflexibility. The current projects adopt the need for a person-centered approach based on the interventions. The main aim is a cognitive change for the dementia patient and improves the quality of life.
There are strategies implemented to promote the independence of patient with dementia.
Independence of patient with dementia is critical at all stages as he/she can facilitate performance when carrying out activity sustainably and reasonably. The independence help dementia patient to change towards improvement thus become able to balance personal care, and other activities such as leisure, social, spiritual activities which are critical in well-being and improving quality of life (Barkhof, 2016). When the functions deteriorate, the person with dementia avoids engaging in complex activities or the social environment as others opt to perform them.
Therefore, for a dementia patient or people around such as family, care providers and friends should consider changes that will enable the patient to have social roles and active life to promote the independence at early stages of the patient with dementia condition (Jennings, 2017). Finding the level of stimulation and the individual challenge, and this will change the level of management and complexity of the activity. However, it should be assumed the person with dementia does not have the ability to operate. Creative ways are required to be explored to maximize person strength well, even when dementia is the latest stages. For those with dementia, engaging in social networks, health and social services, as well as voluntary services, play a critical role in maximizing independence for dementia person at all stages.
Intervention for promoting independence for a dementia person.
There is no specific intervention that should be applied to promote the independence of the dementia patient. However, many good practices are selected based on the strength and needs of an individual (Edvardsson, 2014). Patients at all stages of dementia may benefit from a combination of strategies such as
Communication – communication is significant in ensuring the patient has effective psychological interventions. The communication strategies are applied according to individual needs and need to improve the ability to maximize skills to ensure there is minimal dependency care (Lattanzio, 2014).
Additionally, people with dementia require a test for vision and hearing to make sure they can interact appropriately. Excellent communication ensures the patient can construct a sentence, and the individual can comprehend either non-verbal sentence structure or any other using sensory ability. Using phrases and words are the best to ensure the patient response by improving speech can make a difference. The caregiver can also assist the person with dementia in carrying out the task. It is also essential for a person with dementia to read written or pictorial form. The book may contain simple statements and individualized images, the person with dementia may use as an aid to recall, and with time, the frequency and quality of communication may improve (Asghar, 2015). If a person with dementia has a specific problem, advice of a specialist may be needed for therapy as a strategy to improve language and speech.
ADL skill training – Practice and current literature suggest that dementia person with Activities of daily living (ADL) training promote independence and the person perform tasks of personal care such as washing and feeding assisting them in maximizing participation and use of skills for their care (Amella, 2014). The training also reduces stress to the caregiver due to minimal disruption. ADL training is used to assess impairment, ability, and understand the task a person can perform is either neurological or psychosocial factor. Many ADL task may be performed in analyzing and assessment of individualized programs. Such programs include graded assistance where the caregiver offers little, and the person with dementia is left to complete the task. Some of the strategies used include visual cues, physical guidance, demonstration, and partial physical assistance (Arbesman, 2014). A trained professional in care planning and assessment with ADL can extend the same skill training to the caregiver.
Assistance technology – this refers to any piece of equipment either acquired off the shelf or commercially and is used to increase or improve functional capabilities for an individual with physical, cognitive, or communication disability (Gibson, 2015). Assistive technology may be used mostly by a person with dementia as an intervention strategy.
Adaptive aids and environmental modifications – the grants and adjustment are used to promote independence and safety while the person dementia is performing a range of ADL activities. Adaptive aids can vary from memory aid to bathing and are targeted at minimizing cognitive, physical, sensory deficit impact (Agree, 2014). Similarly, low technology is used without the need for sophisticated telecommunication and computer systems. A person with dementia is introduced to memory aids such as diaries, memory books, calendars and electronic devices at an early stage but as the condition progresses, a combination of memory aids may be used to improve independent use of grants to benefit people with dementia at moderate stage (McCarron, 2014). The improved outcomes can also be achieved by combining caregiver education, adaptive aids, and environmental modifications, thus increasing the independence of the person with dementia, and as a result, caregiver stress is reduced.
Telecare – this involves offering care at a distance to an older person at home through telecommunication system and computers. There is a range of services such as reminder systems, virtual visiting social alarms systems all targeting elimination of aging and hospitalization (Sorell, 2014). The arrangements are essential to people living with dementia as it helps them live independently and safely, therefore, minimizing potential risks. The telecare may involve pattern monitoring pattern to detect the change and warn in the event of fall or possible health changes. The responsive alarms monitor motion and identify risk, and in case there is the presence of as of fire warning is seen in response center (Novitzky, 2015). The importance of telecare for a person with dementia is that many of the devices are passive; therefore, no need to remember how to use them and where they are.
Rehabilitation programs for people with dementia – The report from the Department of health and independent bodies’ shows that people with dementia are usually excluded from programs of rehabilitation due to the nature of their condition (Smith, 2016).

Innovation and Imagination in Project management Plan
Innovation brings development and change in how activities are carried out. Nursing is among the field where innovation applies, and it benefits the patients, nurses, and all other stakeholders. In this proposed management plan, its objectives are to broaden the mind and imaginations in carrying out nursing projects. Innovation is helpful using natural resources, and in the right manner, though it is also harmful if the idea is misused. Innovation and imagination aim at transforming nursing in the delivery of quality care in a more comfortable way. The project management plan on innovativeness requires one to be flexible and adjust the mindset to change freely. The project help to achieve the desired objective and outcome.
The project proposal aims at shaping the mentality of people by having the right mind in creativity by ensuring the outcome aims at improving the nursing sector. People have different abilities and uniqueness, and therefore if utilized well, the imaginations of innovation will be the reality. The inspiration shapes our mental ability in achieving the objectives. The project plan focused on nursing because it offers primary and advanced care. Dynamic thinking is essential in giving a diversified way of implementing the project to achieve the desired outcome. The project management helps the innovator to identify opportunities and strength, thus ensuring weaknesses and threats don’t crush the ideas.
Literature Review
Innovativeness, or the capacity to utilize the creative ability, has been customarily connected with individual geniuses who have something of a godly impulse (Eisler, 2016). Ziauddin Sardar contends that “The essential majority parts in adapting to post-normal times would reveal creative ability for creativity” as these are our just routes to “dealing with complexity, contradictions” Alfonso Montuori contends “Imagination may be those principle devices or the best tool, which takes u, starting with straightforward contemplated investigation at a higher amalgamation. Same time creative ability is intangible, it also shapes our reality; same time is a mental tool, it influences our conduct and desires.” and he contends that we require to envision on ourselves under another future, for which personal satisfaction will depend on the environment about our creative capacity. Sardar proposes “given that our creative ability may be installed and not restricted to our identity or culture, we must unleash an expansive range of imaginations from those rich with differing qualities from claiming human societies to numerous routes from claiming imagining plan B with conventional, customary approaches for continuously and completion.” (Sardar, 2010). Customarily, it might be those individuals who have the inventive drive with the same groups, organizations, institutions, on how culture remained a convention and congruity for consistency.
With ending up creative, the unique might need to surpass these obstacles (Montuori, 2005). Those inventive capacities (the imaginative) “consequently happened only inside those people, and the inventive transformation might be seen as a significant transformation. In this individualistic view, connections were not taken under consideration” (Montuori, 2011)
These thoughts of inventiveness see it singularly but similarly as a distinctive subjective wonder in minutes about impulse (Montuori, 2011). The exploratory universe perspective concentrates concerning objectivity. Science battled to represent inventiveness until the 1950s, what’s more, Karl Popper kept tabs ahead experimental justification, undermining the speculative, subjective, and more reflective similarly as non-scientific (Popper, 2005).
Inventiveness can also be dangerous or be destructive. It is, about course, flawed if we ought further bolstering bring an inventive undertaker ‘creative’ Assuming that these ‘creative’ plans include undermining or harming others, also ignoring the necessities from claiming our common earth and at last harming our planet. The reason for building the need and misuse of Comprehension gave by those natural sciences about how way works.
We need to see a particular architect transforming their back from undertakings connected with those arms in the industry and would do something morally innovative. Moreover, there is minimal need for completion, concerning illustration that applies the system for the dynamic and creative ability for the globe for administration; as much as the management universe needs the interest for care concerning engraving and methodology for exceptional self-management.

Individual Innovativeness in Projects.
An inventive psyche will be not so much imaginative. If the creative ability is given a chance to be utilized to innovation, there must make an offset between those original procedures and the provision of inventiveness results. Improvement requests both innovative thoughts and their implementation; similarly as improvement will be turned under reality to place things and get carried. The individuals who succeed in the social domain, for example, writing, painting, dancing, acting, and the expressive arts don’t correctly sit and imagine. They perform and make things happen. All imaginative fill in obliged planning, regardless of those arranging are guided towards Ordering creative minutes and inspirations on an “off-time” from daily routines. Person strategy (of many) that might make used to deal with those innovative process, and a technique that venture to supervise and might use to strengthen their imaginative, considering the purported dynamic creative ability (Hwang, 2014).
Animated creative talent will be a mental system that employs the innovative human knowledge to understanding and be creative, a technique that correlates with a significant number inside philosophical, religious and more profound to customs.) (Werhane, 1999). Patricia H. Werhane talks regarding the vitality about creative ability on her book lesson creative, strength, and administration choice making (1999). At examining Adam Smith’s hypothesis of Moral Sentiments (Smith 1759), she says: “The part of creative ability will be urgent to seeing Smith’s idea of sensitivity and, indeed, as much entire ethical brain research. Smith cases that each. Global venture administration acquaintanceship. A standout amongst us the need for active Imagination, which empowers us, and we should reproduce another’s feelings, ardors, and side of the point for perspective. In this innovative transform of sensitivity, the person doesn’t truly feel that ardor about another; rather one understands the thing that another may be encountering starting with that person’s perspective” (Werhane, 1999). As stated by Jung, “active, the creative ability may be a reflecting system to place the substance about one’s oblivious and get translated under mental images” for different sorts (symbols, personas, things, and so forth. ). It makes a “bridge between those aware senses of self and self-imaginative” through those methods for human creativity and ability. Dynamic creative talent may be a system that empowers its practitioners and is more in interpersonal development. It is consequently a new well-known technique for claiming to work on mindfulness, allowing to a more significant amount propelled mental investigation.
To clarify, those useful requisition strategy for venture require supervisors to monitor task teams, leaving us to start with a little meaning about two ideas from claiming traditional psychiatry, and be specific with the thoughts of essential methodology, speculation, and optional procedure intuition (Salomo, 2007). The intuition mode generally deployed done customary venture management, and in the globe of administration to general, might a chance to be ordered as optional methodology supposing. This manner of thinking may be conscious, logical, orderly, critical, and purposeful and objective oriented, Furthermore guided towards planning, assignment accomplishment, and comprehending the issue. These need aid with aspects for our conscious mind; from various perspectives fundamentally constrained. The point when contrasted with the sub-consciousness in the light, we compel it with the necessities for our earth and of the resolutions of particular assignments. In that context, our contemplations stay by linear; What’s more, we remain with our consciousness free of inventive pre-occupation which may be a further channel concerning our creative vitality. Clinched alongside fact, we need to aid consequently not innovative (Jonasson, 2018). Optional transform Intuition will be great for its purpose, also vital to manage our lives, furthermore to overseeing teams, associations, and the public eye.
However, to utilize dynamic Imagination, the chief might be supported will interface with what will be known as grade methodology Intuition. Those substances of the grading methodology considering is the primordial, unruly, legendary, and more now and then surreal Considerations we cohort for our dreams and our evening dreams. First method keeping in touch with you must be transparent in your reasoning is not legitimate (even if it need its logic); it is not the long haul specific. The connection between the reason for more impact may frequently be all the blurred; it might consolidate Also blend components that would not be the slightest bit related. In the essential procedure experience, anything camwood happens. This process, transforming or encounter might go starting with continuously terrifying with consistently exceedingly inventive and compensating. In conclusion, to achieve the proposed management plan, moral values and ability to be innovative is critical in transforming health care through advanced nursing. The project guides on strategies to use in implementing and achieving desired results. Commitment, for desired outcome in project management re-ignites innovation and creativity thus becomes strategic.

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