Before you begin this essay, please read and take notes on the article “Reject Outrageous Fee Hike” written by the Seattle Times Editorial Board. you better to print it out, because you can’t look at it online once you begin the essay.
Also, you need to print out the “Restricting Visitors for better Conservation” essay that you wrote for me before, because this essay probably ask you to summary your “Restricting Visitors for better Conservation” essay (which is called “major essay 2” in my class), and some questions relate to the article “Reject Outrageous Fee Hike”
You have 1 hours and 50min to write the Time-Limit essay, the prompt will provide once you open the essay, 700-800 words. You have to finish it in one seat, you can not take exit and go back to do later.
These essays will require Respondus lockdown browser, a free browser which prevents students from looking up sources, searching for answers, etc. You will need to download the Respondus browser to your computer or laptop. Below is the download link:
Once you download the Respondus, open it, then you need to log in my school account to do it (Tell you private).
Once you log in my school account, go to Course, select the course call “Writing for Proficiency”, then select “weekly folder”, then “Week 8”, then “Day 16”, then click on “Timed Essay 3”. After that, you begin to write this essay.