Relativistic Thinking: A New Perspective on the World

Children and adolescents tend to engage in so-called “black and white” thinking. In other words, they tend to judge people and situations in dualistic, rather than relativistic, terms. In early adulthood, individuals begin to reason about situations using a more flexible framework that helps them to resolve contradictions between different perspectives.

Describe a situation in which you or someone you know has had to move beyond “black and white” thinking and has been able to develop a more relativistic perspective. Answer the following:

  • What was it about the situation that challenged you or the other person to think more relativistically?
  • How do you think people begin to respond to others differently once they begin to use relativistic thinking?

Support your arguments with research, citing sources.

Write your initial response in 150–200 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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