Role of logistics in the supply chain: Identify and describe the elements of a promotional mix. How has technology enhanced or hindered each element?

  1. In 2-4 pages please respond to the following:
  2. 1. Explain the role of logistics in the supply chain. What role has technology played in the logistics of a supply chain for a business such as Topshop? For example, if the inventory levels are growing (because of a threat to the business), adjustments need to be made in the manufacturing (or design) of those products. How will technology play a role in this situation?
  3. 2. Identify and describe the elements of a promotional mix. How has technology enhanced or hindered each element?
  4. 3. Explain how the elements of a promotion mix will (or should) be combined into an integrated marketing plan for Topshop. Which media are utilized? Which media are being under or over-utilized?
  5. 4. What can be done to make the supply chain more efficient?How can technology help make the supply chain more effective and efficient?
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