Show how each of these innovations were achieved contrary to innovation stereotypes. For each of these innovations, discuss how at least four of Berkun’s listed stereotypes do not hold true. Dedicate at least 250 words to your response for each innovation.

MGT 655. Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Assignment 2;

Scott Berkun’s book, The Myths of Innovation, holds that many of the popular images of how innovation works do not hold up when scrutinized closely. He examines ten innovation stereotypes, and demonstrates how they generally do not hold true.


Consider the following four well-known innovations:


  1. Apple’s iPod
  2. The Internet
  3. The zipper
  4. Viagra


Show how each of these innovations were achieved contrary to innovation stereotypes. For each of these innovations, discuss how at least four of Berkun’s listed stereotypes do not hold true. Dedicate at least 250 words to your response for each innovation.


In order to respond to this question, you will need to do some background research, using the Internet, in order to get your facts straight.


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