Social media: Discuss how global technology has changed the way businesses, in this case the franchises, communicate because of the accessibility of Web sites, social media, e-mail, and other forms of technology.

600 Words
Social media provides many advantages and opportunities for multi-national businesses to connect with their customers. In responding to the following, reflect on the use of social media to develop the coffee franchises in each country. Write at least 3 paragraphs (600 words) on the following: • Describe the main driving factors that determine the choice of platforms and content that your franchises should focus on when using social media to communicate with customers in Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and China.  • Explain some of the etiquette factors that should be taken into consideration in each country when using social media to conduct business, which is essential for business professionals.  • Discuss how global technology has changed the way businesses, in this case the franchises, communicate because of the accessibility of Web sites, social media, e-mail, and other forms of technology.  Assignment Objectives • Simulate effective cross-cultural approaches, styles, and tones of written and verbal business communications, including those used in social media

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