Socioeconomic status: How would you assess your socioeconomic status based on the measurements we discussed in class? Compare the objective measures vs. subjective measures.

How would you assess your socioeconomic status based on the measurements we discussed in class? Compare the objective measures vs. subjective measures. Among all the social factors that could determine your social status, such as gender, race/ethnicity, social class, nationality, and religion, which one(s) is(are) giving you better life chances?
Now, imagine if you come with a set of opposite ascribed status from what you have in reality. For example, if you are a male, imagine your were born as a female; if you are a brown-skinned Asian, imagine you were born as an Caucasian; if you are a UAE citizen, consider you were born as a citizen of Burkina Faso… How would your life chances differ in the hypothetical case? To what extent can you achieve upward mobility with these new ascribed statuses?
Write a 500-word essay to address these questions.

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