sub:buscontrol plan discusiion

According to the required textbook for this course, on page 145, “Some strategies that can be used to test contingency plans are”:

  1. Desk Check Testing
  2. Structured walk-through Testing
  3. Simulation  Testing
  4. Simulation Testing
  5. Parallel testing Testing
  6. Full interruption Testing
  7. War gaming Testing

Discuss three (2) advantages and two(2) disadvantages of each type of testing listed above. When is each type of testing appropriate? Are there situations that preclude the use of a particular type of testing?  Read the required textbook by Whiteman, Mattord & Green, Chapter 4 for answers. You must include an APA formatted in-text citation & reference list from your textbook. Only other references should be scholarly references.
DQ requirement: Note that the requirement is to post your initial response no later than Thursday and you must post one additional post during the week. I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. All initial posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference to support an assumption.
Discussion Response Format:
Desk Check Testing
Two (2) disadvantages of Desk Check Testing are A and B.  A is considered a disadvantage because…….
Likewise, B is considered a disadvantage because……..
Two advantages of Desk Check Testing are C and D. C is considered an advantage because…….
Likewise, D is considered an advantage because……..
Structured walk-through Testing
Two (2) disadvantages of Structured walk-through Testing are E and F.  E is considered a disadvantage because…….
Likewise, F is considered a disadvantage because……..
Two advantages of Structured walk-through Testing advantages are G and H.  G is considered a disadvantage because…….
Likewise, H is considered an advantage because……..
And so on
Simulation Testing
Simulation Testing
Parallel Testing
Full interruption Testing
War Gaming Testing

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