Term Paper: Assess a strategic plan that is in place for an organization with which you are familiar.

The paper should focus on either strategic planning or operational planning.  Some individuals are high enough in their organization to be able to engage in strategic planning.  This paper can then be how you would develop a strategic plan.  For another group, you might be able to assess a strategic plan that is in place for an organization with which you are familiar.  Some others in class work in an operation where they can assess how an operational plan has been developed and can assess that.  Another group of students may be able to develop their own operational plan.  In some cases, the student may want to develop a strategic plan for himself or herself.  Do not look at companies with which you have no intimate knowledge since many organizations do not provide all aspects in their public documents.  I know some of you might want to explore companies that are worldwide or known throughout the world, but this is not appropriate for this class.
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