Examine the evidence supporting a clinical topic and critically appraise the evidence to underpin the evidence based practice, including a discussion of factors that may inhibit the implementation of the evidence base.
Aims and objectives of this review
You need to look at the evidence base for your chosen topic. This will require good literature searching skills and a clear account of the search strategy you used. 6-15 papers are recommended.
Describe search terms used
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria
Results of the search strategy
Describe your findings and use a table to depict results and place in appendices
Quality Appraisal
Use an appraisal tool to appraise the papers you have selected. Put this information in your appendices and refer to it.
Mention bias in terms of research methodology for the papers you have selected
Summary and synthesis of the papers
What are the main points of the literature in relation to your research question?
Are there any themes coming through? Is there a reliance on particular areas?
Issues of Implementation
For the last quarter of the assignment (roughly) you are encouraged to use a framework such as PARIHS to explore issues of implementation.
Complete the essay with a brief conclusion drawing together the key ideas that specifically answered your research question and finally the implication of your findings for practice.
Above all make sure you are being critical in a structured and logical way