Describe your job as part of the incident command system?
Have you overseen or taken part in a disaster response mission? If so, what was your role during the disaster relief?
What best practices would you suggest incorporating during training to ensure the most effective use of Incident Command System within an organization? If you were to make a list and prioritize them, what would your top three be?
How do language obstructions influence Incident Command and Control tasks? Explain
Has senior leadership hindered your ability to effectively respond to community disasters? If so, how?
What unique challenges do you believe you face when attempting to respond to disasters?
What are your perceptions of the inner disarrays or struggles within the organization in regards to language barriers and communications among military branches?
Describe an incident or two where the outcomes were positive? And How did you use incident command and control system?
In your experience, what are the three fundamental components identified with operational execution in Incident Command System?
Given your experiences what other issues have emerged during incident command and control?