Title of the Chapter: Provide full details of the chapter, following APA referencing for a chapter in a text book.
Purpose/s What is the author trying to achieve in this set reading? Is it to persuade readers and/or inform or describe or challenge their ideas and assumptions about children’s play/development/learning?
Main or key point/s What are the main points of this reading? Choose one or two main points to focus in depth on
them. .
Theoretical support Which theory or theories support the main points you chose to discuss in each reading?
Please note theory and literature are different.
If unsure, read about theories of play, development and learning.
What conclusions can be drawn from the various ideas or points or arguments raised in the reading?
Implications What did you learn from this reading and how would you apply this knowledge into practice? Think
about the practical application of the main points for promoting children’s play, developments and learning and for
families and educators’ practices with specific example/s.