During my team/group work, how did the activities enable me to learn about my team work skills and collaborative working? What personal qualities did I demonstrate? How did we work together to achieve the task? What may have led to a more improved outcome?
Did I perform as indicated on self-assessment tasks? What weaknesses do I need to develop for my personal practice
Have I seen a good example of good collaborative practice which benefitted a patient/ service user/ carer during my placement? What observable good practice can I apply in future within my own practice
What have a learnt from my fellow students that will inform my future practice?
What factors and contemporary policy drivers are affecting/influencing how we are working together in practice?
How are service users and carers involved with the wider team in practice? How are they encouraged to get involved with the service that they receive? Are there any barriers to this?
Have I put any theory into practice and vice versa can I provide theory to support my thoughts about collaborative working and service user involvement?
How can I use this to plan for the future?