What is a critical review?
A critical review is an analysis of ideas presented in a text or a reading. Its purpose is to understand the connections
between different ideas presented in the reading and to critique the underlying assumptions of the author/s and
theory/ theoretical ideas in the reading. Therefore, in this assignment you have to go beyond summarising simple
facts or ideas presented in a reading or a journal article.
This assignment requires you to review four selected chapters from your prescribed text book and submit a 300 word
response for each . The purposes of this assignment are to develop students’ in- depth reading and analytical skills
and knowledge of theories relating to children’s play and learning.
PS: Readings have been changed from last semester.
A written 300-word review for each reading or a total of 1200-word review for four set readings. The readings to be
reviewed are:
– Write a review for each chapter using the headings provided in the template. But, submit all four reviews as
a single file. The reading template will provide details of what to submit for each chapter. There is
no need to submit a reference list if you have quoted references only from the text book. But, you must submit
a reference list if you referred to literature or books or journal articles outside the text book.