Article Review: Choose a business article from a business publication or newspaper within the past 90 days. The article must be 2 – 3 pages in length. Students can access various business publications by going to the College Resources page and clicking on Ivy Tech Library’s Discover!

A critique / article review is a two-page document based on a business article from a business publication. The article must appear in the publication no more than 30 days prior to the due date. The article must also be relevant to material discussed within the course. Each review will be graded on grammar, punctuation, and content. The review must discuss the following:
Steps to follow:

  1. Choose a business article from a business publication or newspaper within the past 90 days. The article must be 2 – 3 pages in length. Students can access various business publications by going to the College Resources page and clicking on Ivy Tech Library’s Discover!.
  2. Read the article.
  3. Write a review of the business article using the rubric attached below.
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