Consulting Contract: Create a consulting contract that defines the boundaries of your analysis and objectives of the project.

Assignment 1 – Consulting Contract
Given that  project teams within a large hospital department have been ineffective  in meeting their productivity goals and providing patient information in  a timely way, you are asked to work with the teams to analyze and  resolve the situation. Develop the elements of your consulting contract  using the following requirements:

  1. Create a consulting contract that defines the boundaries of your analysis and objectives of the project.
  2. Explain the kinds of information you seek and your role in the project.
  3. Define the product you will deliver and support you will need from the client.
  4. Identify suggested time schedule, confidentially, and feedback.

The requirements and format of the paper is to be as follows:

  • Include two references
  • Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), APA format
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