Communication Theories and Application Worksheet: Identify the name of the theory the example represents, who developed the theory (theorist), note the context of the theory (interpersonal, personality, group, etc.), and then provide your own brief personal or professional example of the theory.

University of Phoenix Material

Communication Theories and Application Worksheet

Fill out the different cells with regard to each theory definition. You are to identify the name of the theory the example represents, who developed the theory (theorist), note the context of the theory (interpersonal, intrapersonal, group, etc.), and then provide your own brief personal or professional application example of the theory. Remember to use APA citation rules if you integrate information from your text or other sources.

Theory Definition Identify the Theory and its Context (Interpersonal, Interpersonal, Organizational, Public, Intercultural, Mass) Theorist(s) Relevance of Theory Application Example from your Personal or Professional Life
Theory explains why as relationships develop, communication moves from less intimate levels to more intimate, more personal levels.
Theory explains how people hold expectations about the nonverbal behaviors of others. Violations of these expectations may trigger a change in the perception of exchange either positively or negatively, depending on the relationship.
Theory explains the process that people use to manage the relationship between concealing and revealing private information.
Theory explains how people experience a limited effect from media. Individuals are thought to be actively seeking specific types of media to generate specific needs. However, some theorists working within this model study how effects, such as attitudes and perceptions of social reality, can and do happen.
Theory explains why parties to communication experience conflicting pulls causing relationships to be in a constant state of flux. The closer individuals become to one another, the more conflict will arise to pull them apart.
Theory explains meanings for routine organizational events, thereby reducing the amount of cognitive processing and energy members need to expend throughout the day.
Theory explains how different cultures manage conflict and communication. The theory explains that the root of conflict is based on identity management on an individual and cultural level.
Theory explains how individuals act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things.  The meaning comes from the social interaction that one has with others and society.
Theory explains why people tend to remain silent when they feel that their views are in the minority.
Theory explains why certain groups in society are muted, which means they are either silent or not heard.

Match the six communication theories with the appropriate definition by placing the letter of the definition in the blank.

Communication Theory Definition
  1. ____ Cultivation Theory
(a) Theory that explores the relationship between technology and social structures
  1. ____ Coordinated Management of Meaning
(b) Theory is an audience-centered approach that states when an audience actively seeks out media, they are typically seeking it in order to gratify a need.
  1. ____ Adaptive Structuralist Theory
(c) Theory suggests that exposure to television, over time, subtly “cultivates” viewers’ perceptions of reality.
  1. ____ Uses and Gratifications Theory
(d) Theory explains relational development (or lack thereof) between strangers.
  1. ____ Uncertainty Theory
(e) Theory that sees communication as doing things fully as much as talking about them.
  1. ____ Standpoint Theory
(f) Theory suggests standpoints influence how the people adopting it socially construct the world.


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