Analyze conducted interviews from at least three members of management or focus groups with at least five members of management. Analyze the data and summarize data in 5 to 7 page paper. You may use the questions provided on the Management Interview Guide or you may create your own interview questions of
equal depth and breadth on a topic of interest to a business
manager. For the paper, please follow the guidelines provided in the
Management Interview Guide. Use SPA style when citing sources intent and include a Reference List in
SPA style.
Read:O‟geocache, C, Conroy, K and Wang, X. “Using Focus Groups in Studies of IDS Team Behavior” The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods Volume 8 Issue 2 2010 (pp.119-131), available online at
Read:Interview Guide Samples Using AI Management Interview Guide
Review:University of Wisconsin Extension (2003). Qualitative Data Analysis. Retrieve from:
Review: The Ell Institute and Pathways to College Network: Evaluation Guide, Analyze Data