Create a draft sample of how you would design a study using one of these methods?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Page Summary of the highlight points of this module’s topic.
Reflection/Observation: In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of experimental design? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ex Post Facto Design? Create a draft sample of how you would design a study using one of these methods?

Search the internet and/or library for a study that utilizes Ex Post Facto Design and write a paper describing how the design was implemented. Please provide a historical foundation by supplying
information on the sample, target population, design and results.

– Experimental and Ex Post Facto Designs
Video:Correlational and Quasi Experimental Research screen&v=XLirMm1TV8g&NR=1 Philosophy of Experimental Research Design

Read:Experimental Research Design – /user/rampage/Y520%20Summer%2008/research%20proposal.pdf Quasi Experimental Design
Design Sensitivity.



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