Slavery in the u.s and it’s effects: Give your analysis/thoughts-given the research that you have presented, on the effectiveness of the nationalism that developed in the country and how effective it was (or not) for the people in terms of nation building and development.

Slavery in the u.s and it’s effects

Research Paper Structure

*Note: This outline is intended to be generic. You should always be faithful to your sources and follow where they lead. Thus, where this outline is irrelevant, depart from it in pursuit of a completed paper.

** Footnotes in Chicago manual style should be used throughout this research.


  1. Title Page: first leaf
  2. This will be the second to last item to be revised upon submission of the final draft, but must be there for the proposal submission as well as the paper exchange and rough draft submission.
  3. Capture the main theme/topic of your paper in a phrase.
  4. Include on cover page, Name, Class information, Assignment name and the date of submission.


  1. Abstract*** [proposal] second leaf
  2. This will be the last item to be revised upon submission of the final draft.
  3. From within a paragraph to as long as a page, summarize the issues that your paper engages. Include the major themes dealt with, relevant actors, events, forces at work etc.
  4. Thesis statement: clearly indicate what your intention/position/objective is in your paper.
  5. Method: What types of sources are you consulting for this work
  6. ***[At the proposal stage this would be more of a stating what you except your research to produce. This will certainly shift as you review your sources and further develop your research]


  • Outline: Third leaf
  1. Just as this guide is set out in outline format, structure an outline for the paper. It should include the following…
  2. It should be on a single page
  3. All (numbered) major headings included, from the Introduction to the conclusion as well as having the Bibliography listed.


  1. Introduction Beginning on the fourth leaf
  2. It is from here that we begin to count pages. The introduction is page one and the assigned page count goes to the Bibliography, not including that section.
  3. In 1 to 2 pages max. Give the background to the circumstances, actors and events that you are describing or narrating. Introduce the relevant factors that permeate the work as well as what forces are at work. Notes on geography, regional powers, method of administration etc.
  4. Introduce the time period that your work engages
  5. To the extent of leading to the body, justify the reason why your work is relevant or why you are pursuing this study. (Stating that this is a class requirement is not a justification for your particular study.)



  1. Body
  2. From the general issues to the specific topics that you will engage, guide the reader to the issues that your paper deals with.
  3. detail the progression of issues that are relevant to the major theme(s)
  4. Speak to the impact that the progression of issues of which you are writing effect the actors, institutions and nation that you are researching. Explain the forces and their effects including issues such as the relationship of the leadership and people of your respective areas.


  1. What issues emerged subsequent to independence?
  2. Assess the leaderships’ responsiveness to the demands and aspirations of the people they governed.


  1. Conclusion
  2. Give your analysis/thoughts-given the research that you have presented, on the effectiveness of the nationalism that developed in the country and how effective it was (or not) for the people in terms of nation building and development.
  3. Your own observations about relevant topics that were raised during the course of your research.


  • Bibliography last leaf by itself.


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