What does copying mean in the west and in China? How is the wear of materials and buildings perceived in Chinese culture and in the west? What is considered as cultural heritage in China and in the west?- Venice charter

Re-purpose/Re-use: Reconsidering conservation practices in the Chinese conte

Some notes on what to write or include

What need to preserve

What you define as heritage

What do preservation and conservation come in architecture?

Look at diverse example – being preserve and being announced as heritage why its problematic – provide ideal romantic aspect

Rem koolhas– Beijing demolished area for Olympics what is conservation there


The obsession about heritage

Situation in china and hongkong– land and space in urban context being very valuable and expensive

Architectural heritage

Maybe give example from Hong Kong

To demonstrate one hand the ideal side of conservation (repair and just for the look, with no purpose)

We should conserve but in a programmatic way to reflect social needs (reusing and re purpose)

Economical aspect?

Cultural side – china copying/creating city like Venice  – what does copying mean in the west and in China? How is the wear of materials and buildings perceived in Chinese culture and in the west? What is considered as cultural heritage in China and in the west?- Venice charter




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