To analyze and compare the two or three method to reduce energy use and improvement the efficacy of cooling system.
To review the cooling system of commercial building of “The Centrium” in Central.
When the morning and afternoon, the outside temperature of Curtain Wall Up to 39 °C. Cooling system of the main building as completed at 2001 yrs. I will analyze how to reduce the energy use and improve the efficacy of cooling system in this building.
Purposed of methods to reduce or improve the energy use as below:
Reduce the heat gain
Analyze and calculate the suitable sun control window film for Curtain Wall
Scale control technologies in water-side system:
Analyze and calculate the benefit of additional Scale control technologies in water-side system in the old cooling system.
Solar photovoltaic system:
Analyze and calculate the PV system how to improve the power consumption of building.
1. This Assignment report school will submit to turnitin
2. To research the topic and your references must be listed
in the paper using the Harvard Method.
Length: Approx 2200 words (excluding diagrams, appendices, references)
Table of contents:
1. Introduction (100~150)
2. background (100~150)
3. objectives (100~250)
4. Literaure review (900~1100)
4.1 system description
4.2 work principle
4.3 background theories
4.4 successful case studies
4.5 literature review summary
5. Discussion (500 word)
6. Conclusion (300 word)
7. Reference