Do you see your business as a mechanistic or organic organization as defined in Chapter 9? Describe what elements in the environment led you to this conclusion and how your chosen organizational design would impact your employees. Based on the type of organizational environment your company best represents, explain whether you would implement internal or external methods to design your company’s organizational processes. Provide an example.

Midterm Exam Part 2: Business Summary

To complete this assignment, review the short scenario and answer the questions in the Business Summary Template Word.


Case Study

Your family has encouraged you to focus on developing your own business. However, not knowing exactly how to get started, you decide doing some initial research would be helpful. Your efforts paid off! Through your research, you identified a local community resource, which connected you with a mentor. After a quick introduction, you are excited about getting started. To prepare for your first meeting, your mentor has asked you to answer the following questions.

Research the following questions and incorporate your answers in a summary. Your answers must address all relevant parts of each question. Make sure to cite any references you use. At a minimum, you must cite your textbook. All references must be created in APA format as described in Lesson 0.


Business Summary Questions


What is the name of your business, and what services will it provide?

Write a mission statement for your company and explain how you think it would influence your business’s culture. Refer to Chapter 3 as needed.

The concept of discretionary responsibilities is covered in Chapter 4. Describe one action you could take in your business that would fall under discretionary responsibilities and why you would be motivated to act this way.

Do you see your business as a mechanistic or organic organization as defined in Chapter 9? Describe what elements in the environment led you to this conclusion and how your chosen organizational design would impact your employees. Based on the type of organizational environment your company best represents, explain whether you would implement internal or external methods to design your company’s organizational processes. Provide an example.

Submit the completed Business Summary Template, which is Midterm Exam Part 2 in the Gradebook.


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