Balanced Scorecard Template: Assess, in no more than 350 words, trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc.’s business model after completing the strategic objectives for each area.

ABC/123 Version X
Balanced Scorecard Template
BUS/475 Version 8

University of Phoenix Material

Balanced Scorecard Template


Strategic objectives are measure of attaining your vision and mission. They reflect the vision, mission, and values of the business as well as the outcomes of the intenral and external environmental analysis.

Scorecard Areas

Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas.

Financial Objectives Measures Targets
Customers Objectives Measures Targets
Internal Business Process Objectives Measures Targets
Learning and Growth Objectives Measures Targets


Assess, in no more than 350 words, trends, assumptions, and risks of Hoosier Media, Inc.’s business model after completing the strategic objectives for each area.

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