Business Finance: Find a procedure code and include the numerical code and description. Use the code search on the AMA website.

The AMA owns the copyright to the CPT codes. Their site is useful and has a lot of information. For example, you can read more about the process of procedure coding on their site at this link:
Please add to the wiki by doing the following:
1. Find a procedure code and include the numerical code and description. Use the code search on the AMA website. For example, use this link and enter a state, key words and click on Submit. List the code and description you find.

  • You may use a different method to find a procedure code and description. If you do, include this with your code and description.

2. Go to the AMA site, find something about CPT coding, summarize it, and add the content to the Wiki page. Include the page where you found the information.

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