Case Study Analysis: Discuss the extent to which the characteristics of well functioning, effective groups overlap the attributes that contribute to the success of virtual teams.

Read the case study attached and answer the 4 questions that come with it.  This answer needs to be in 2-3 pages.  Need it back by Friday noon.  I also posted questions under here also
1 Describe the attributes that contribute to the success of virtual teams and those that contribute to the failure of virtual teams.
2 Discuss the extent to which the characteristics of well functioning, effective groups overlap the attributes that contribute to the success of virtual teams.
3 Explain how cultural diversity can affect the effective functioning of virtual teams operating in a global economy.
4 Is Volvo’s approach to evaluating the effectiveness of its virtual teams one that could serve as a useful model for other organizations to follow in evaluating their own virtual teams? Justify your answer.
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