Costing the Project: Evaluate the protective factors that helped the author to be resilient, despite difficult circumstances. (Explain at least three.)

Costing the Project The project is progressing well, and you have now been asked if there is enough time and budget to create and distribute a new marketing mailing. This mailing will be focused on a new international marketplace, so the existing materials cannot be used as is. The materials will need to be translated (external resource), have different graphics applied, and use different colors. The cost for mailing internationally is twice the cost of the domestic mailing, and the volume is 200,000–250,000 addresses. A mailing list will be purchased for this mailing because it is a new market for the company. You need to determine the costs of this mailing (internal and external). You also need to determine the resource requirements and identify any conflicts. Jennifer and you have a working session later this week to pull together the information. In preparation for the meeting, create a worksheet (in Excel or another spreadsheet tool) that you can use to create the budget for the new mailing. Pre populate the worksheet with the components of the estimate, and provide directions to Jennifer in a procedures document (in Word) on how to create a three-point estimate for the resulting budget. Be sure to also include the internal costs. Also, create a schedule that identifies the deliverables, activities, and resources to produce this mailing. Evaluate the protective factors that helped the author to be resilient, despite difficult circumstances. (Explain at least three.) Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s): Unit 4: Cost Methods Unit 4: Project Estimation, Budgeting, Cost

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