Could you expand on how inter rater reliability would be used to determine the correct course of treatment for cancer?

Week 5 Discussion Use the author as one of your sources and answer each question separately and briefly.
Reliability of raters;
Kline, T. J. B. (2005). Psychological testing: a practical approach to design and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapter 8;
1. Could you please expand on how inter rater reliability would be used to determine the correct course of treatment for cancer?
2. How does modern test theory approach reliability in a very different manner than does classical test theory?
3. It is not unusual to obtain qualitative data in the beginning phases of a study that can then be evaluated in order to design a quantitative study that is informed by the earlier phase. Do you know what the research design of the Pew Research study entails?

45 (45%) – 50 (50%)
Posting is insightful, thorough, and includes application of theory/law to real world experiences, and examples. Posting demonstrates thorough understanding of the assignment and is substantiated with two (2) or more scholarly sources, one of which can be the course text 22.5 (22.5%) – 25 (25%)
Providing additional examples/sources demonstrating understanding and application of the discussion topic.
22.5 (22.5%) – 25 (25%)
Postings are polished, free of errors in mechanics, and is SPA compliant.


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