Create a Dating App Algorithm that is Inclusive to Different Kinds of People.

First, Read this – you are going to create an algorithm – don’t worry you don’t need to have any coding experience.

Submit: An algorithm with 20 steps that matches folks looking for romance/friendship.

An algorithm for our purposes is going to be a set of instructions. You should have a list of at least 20 of these instructions. Go wild with this. Based on what we have read and watched about flaws in algorithms – and the violence they commit against various folks of political interests, genders, sexuality, body types, and race – do your best to build something that is better. This assignment has no definitive answer and that’s OK. I want you to be experimental here – and try things out – even if they fail. A good place to start is the video about OK cupid. We have a model – a set of instructions for a computer to follow that is in place (see the watch video). You can copy the model from OK Cupid and then make alterations that you think will make it better.

Will you decrease questions? What about picture swiping? Be a little bit of a social engineer. How will you use an app/algorithm to make the world better/more equitable?

There is so much written on this subject. Do some research to get inspired (algorithms and dating)

Submit a list of 20 instructions a computer can follow to match people based on romance/friendship.

It would help if you can draw a tree using draw.oi. The way a computer works is that it makes a decision based on a yes or no answer to a previous question.

Here is a primer for your model structure.

How Decision Tree Algorithm works

Inside OK Cupid: The Math of Online Dating.

The Era of Blind Faith in Big Data Must End.

Oh Great: There’s a Horrible Dating Trend to Worry About.

‘Least Desirable’ How Racial Discrimination Plays Out Online.

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