Create and analyze 4 dynamic lesson plans (1 page each) to support the efficacy of innovation in educational technology. The design of these lesson plans may differ from the lesson plans you create to support your own teaching practice.


  • Four exemplar lesson plans that incorporate 21st-century technology skills. Narrative (6 pages) that analyzes and evaluates how the lessons support safety, support of diversity and equity, and engagement in professional collaboration.

Create and analyze 4 dynamic lesson plans (1 page each) to support the efficacy of innovation in educational technology. The design of these lesson plans may differ from the lesson plans you create to support your own teaching practice.

Demonstration of Proficiency

  • Collaborate with teachers in opportunities to incorporate 21st-century technology skills in classroom instruction.
    • Design exemplar lesson plans that align to standards and promote the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology.
    • Evaluate the impact of professional collaboration on the design of exemplar lesson plans.
    • Analyze how the technology integrated into exemplar lesson plans will support diversity and equity.
    • Analyze potential challenges to teacher implementation of the proposed technology, embedding support to address those challenges within the exemplar lesson plans.
    • Evaluate how exemplar lesson plans will support the promotion of technology innovation to stakeholders.


This will be done in two parts. First, create four lesson plans (1 page each) that support innovation in educational technology. Then, write a narrative that analyzes and evaluates your lesson plans. Submit both the lesson plans and the narrative as an artifact for assessment.


  • Select a technology or set of technologies you would like to propose for implementation in a school to improve teaching and learning. This could mean bringing a new technology into the classroom or utilizing an existing technology in new ways.
  • Select at least six peer-reviewed articles to cite in your assignment.
  • Identify the subject areas or grade levels that you will want to address in your exemplar lessons.
    • Meet with colleagues from these areas to gain a perspective on the needs of teachers and students. In your assessment of student and teacher needs, consider diversity factors such as cultural background, experience level, developmental and readiness levels, and so on.
    • Explore what professional communities say about your chosen technology and its implementation in a school.
  • Consider some of these questions before you begin to craft your exemplar lessons.
    • What subjects and grades are taught in your educational setting?
    • How will you differentiate instruction to address the needs of diverse students?
      • Consider cultural background, developmental and readiness levels, language differences, speed of learning, experiential knowledge, and so on.
    • To what extent and in what specific ways have your collaborations with other educators impacted your design decisions?
    • What information would other decision makers, such as administrators, want to know?
    • How will you show your technology as valuable for teachers?
    • How will you show a variety of integration possibilities for your technology?
    • How can you show that your lesson teaches safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology?
    • What concerns will your fellow teachers raise? How can you address those in your exemplar lessons?
    • How will you balance the need to provide detail so that teachers understand your technology implementation without overwhelming them with too much information?

Part 1: Lesson Plans

Create 4 exemplar lesson plans (1 page each) that explicitly demonstrate how implementing the technologies you have chosen will look in practice. Your lesson plans should apply across content areas and across grade levels.

  • This will likely require you to engage in professional collaboration with individuals with different areas of expertise. Consider using online professional organizations and social media to further these collaborations.
  • Use the questions above to help guide your content.

The lesson plans do not need to be articulated using Understanding by Design or other formal lesson presentation formats. Rather, you are designing vignettes that provide sufficient information for other teachers and stakeholders to see how your technology could be implemented in a variety of classrooms.

Part 2: Analysis and Evaluation

In a 6-page narrative, address the following:

  • Evaluate the impact of your professional collaborations on the design of the lessons.
  • Evaluate how the technology integrated into each lesson plan aligns to both content and technology standards.
  • Explain how each lesson plan will promote the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology.
  • Analyze how the technology integrated into each lesson plan will support diversity and equity.
    • Think about the variety of student needs that exist within your educational setting. Specifically consider cultural background, developmental and readiness levels, language differences, speed of learning, experiential knowledge, and so on.
    • In your lessons, demonstrate how the technology can be used to meet those needs.
  • Analyze some of the struggles and questions teachers may have in implementing the technology. These concerns may have emerged from your professional collaborations.
    • Address those common concerns within your lessons, demonstrating how the technology can be successfully implemented to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Explain how you would use each lesson plan to promote educational innovation to decision makers and other stakeholders, such as parents and community members.

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Submit a 6-page paper that addresses each aspect of the assignment instructions.
  • Submit four lesson plans (1 page each).
  • Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.


Criteria for Coursework


CRITERIA Coursework to include
Design exemplar lesson plans that align to standards and promote the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology. Designs exemplar lesson plans that align to standards and promote the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology and justifies that alignment with evidence from the professional literature.
Evaluate the impact of professional collaboration on the design of exemplar lesson plans. Evaluates the impact of professional collaboration on the design of exemplar lesson plans and supports the evaluation with feedback from stakeholders in the specific educational setting and other professional feedback.
Analyze how the technology integrated into exemplar lesson plans will support diversity and equity. Evaluates how technology integrated into exemplar lesson plans will support diversity and equity, and cites evidence of strengths and weaknesses of the technology in accomplishing this objective.
Analyze potential challenges to teacher implementation of the proposed technology, embedding support to address those challenges within the exemplar lesson plans. Justifies how embedded support within the lesson plans will address challenges to teacher implementation of the proposed technology, by citing specific evidence from teacher collaborations.
Evaluate how exemplar lesson plans will support the promotion of technology innovation to stakeholders. Evaluates how exemplar lesson plans will support the promotion of technology innovation to stakeholders, and supports the evaluation with evidence from the literature or feedback from stakeholders in the specific educational setting.



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