Create engaging multimedia content using a range of social media platforms to reach target public.

PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 1 of 7
Subject Code and Title PRL201: Content Creation for Social Media
Assessment Social Media Strategy Proposal
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,500 words (+/‐ 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Analyze the new media landscape and social media
b) Create engaging multimedia content using a range of
social media platforms to reach target public.
d) Analyze, evaluate and adapt social media campaigns
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2 (week 4)
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
In this individual assessment, you are required to analyze the current social media efforts
from a client or organization of your choice and consider the new media available to
develop a social media proposal.
Choose a real company to make a new social media proposal for. Ideally, you should choose
a small or medium size business, which you have access to work. This will allow you to work
with its social media platforms and request permission to post on behalf of the firm. By
working with a real company, you would be able to gain a real understanding of how to deal
with a real client and its needs, identification of real target audiences, and a realistic
evaluation of online engagement.
Or: if you have no access to work directly with a real company for the purposes of this
assessment, choose an existing business that requires improvement on its social media
presence and base your proposal around this.
Please note: that for assessment 2 real posts are required, so it is worthwhile attaching
yourself to a real world business or organization from assessment 1.
A deep understanding of target audiences is required to ensure the social media proposal
and respective posts are engaging and relevant to the public.
Avoid large companies that already have a strong and established online presence.
PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 2 of 7
 Choose a real company (if possible) to develop the social media proposal.
 The proposal should include sufficient material to use as a pitch to the client in order
to sell the strategy to them.
 The client you choose will be carried through ALL the assignments for this subject.
 In the social media strategy proposal, you must include:
a. Cover page
b. Table of contents
c. Executive summary
d. Background of the client
e. SWOT Analysis of current social media efforts of the client and media
f. Identification of appropriate target audience and persona(s)
g. Social media strategy objectives
i. At least four (4) SMART objectives
h. Detailed media plan, including suggested social media platforms, dates, time
of posting, frequency, tone of voice and suggested topics.
i. A minimum of two (2) social media platforms must be proposed.
ii. A minimum of two (2) posts a week must be included in the proposal.
i. Justification of social media strategies including theory if relevant.
j. Intended evaluation & measuring tools and respective metrics
k. References (APA Referencing).
Submission Instructions:
 The presentation recommended for this Assessment is in report format.
 Include a Title Page, a Table of Contents, and use suitable headings for the
information presented.
 Student Identifier (Name and Number) should be included on the title page
and page numbers should appear on each page of the document.
 The assessment should be submitted in a form and format that would be
acceptable in the business world. All work must be word‐processed, spell
checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance and tone.
 It should not be written from a 1st person context, but rather from the 3rd person
perspective. That is, “I, we, my, our” are not acceptable;
PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 3 of 7
 All claims, recommendations, and justifications are to be supported by
suitable and relevant sources, and/or theoretical principles.
 Should include a correctly constructed reference list and accompanying in‐text
citations as per University guidelines (APA Referencing).
 Can use any combination of narrative, point form, diagrams, graphs, tables or
images to increase the “readability” of the submission.
 Submit a word or PDF document to Blackboard. The Learning Facilitator will
provide feedback via the Grade Centre in Blackboard. Feedback can be viewed
in My Grades.
PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 4 of 7
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1 Social Media Strategy Proposal
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 ‐84%
High Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be
awarded if a student is
unable to demonstrate
satisfactory academic
performance in the
subject or has failed to
complete required
assessment points in
accordance with the
subject’s required
assessment points.
Pass is awarded for work
showing a satisfactory
achievement of all
learning outcomes and an
adequate understanding
of theory and application
of skills. A consistent
academic referencing
system is used and
sources are appropriately
Credit is awarded for work
showing a more than
satisfactory achievement of
all learning outcomes and a
more than adequate
understanding of theory
and application of skills. A
consistent academic
referencing system is used
and sources are
Distinction is awarded for
work of superior quality
in achieving all learning
outcomes and a superior
integration and
understanding of theory
and application of skills.
Evidence of in‐depth
research, reading,
analysis and evaluation is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
High Distinction is
awarded for work of
outstanding quality in
achieving all learning
outcomes together with
outstanding integration
and understanding of
theory and application of
skills. Evidence of indepth
research, reading,
analysis, original and
creative thought is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
Purpose of the report
and company overview
Report purpose
established and
company background
No clear executive
summary presented.
Limited or no company
background provided.
Basic executive summary
presented with some
components missing
and/or with some
adjustments required.
Satisfactory company
background provided.
Good executive summary
presented with minor
adjustments required.
Good company background
Very good clear executive
summary presented.
Very good company
overview provided.
Outstanding executive
summary presented
including all the main
Excellent company
overview provided.
PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 5 of 7
SWOT analysis
Demonstrated an
understanding of
company’s social media
efforts, and
opportunities and
threats from new media
Little or no understanding
and analysis of current
company’s social media
Little or no referencing for
the SWOT analysis.
Satisfactory understanding
and analysis of current
company’s social media
Satisfactory referencing for
external factors in the
Some strengths and
weaknesses aren’t related
to social media landscape.
Good understanding and
analysis of current company’s
social media efforts.
Good list of strengths and
weaknesses identified.
Good and relevant
opportunities and threats
identified and referenced.
Very good understanding
and analysis of current
company’s social media
Very good list of strengths
and weaknesses identified.
Very good and relevant
opportunities and threats
identified including a quality
range of sources, which
support social media
Excellent understanding and
analysis of current
company’s social media
Excellent list of strengths
and weaknesses identified.
Excellent, relevant and
appropriate opportunities
and threats identified
including a quality range of
sources, which support
social media proposal.
Target Audience and
Demonstrated an
understanding of
segmentation variables
and appropriate
selection of persona(s)
to support social media
The buyer profile section is
Little or no evidence of an
understanding about
segmentation and
targeting processes, and
consumer behaviour.
Basic knowledge about
segmentation process.
Segmentation variables
basically describe the
characteristics of the
Basic support and relation
with business strategies and
alignment with the target
Basic approach on buying
behaviour and decisionmaking
Good selection of
segmentation variables
providing some
understanding of appropriate
target audiences.
A good range of
psychographic and
behavioural elements are
Good attempt on describing
the persona(s).
A high standard of
segmentation, including a
detailed explanation and
application of segmentation
Very good selection of
psychographics and
behavioural elements to
support social media
strategies proposal.
Very good description of
persona(s) including
relevant elements.
Outstanding explanation
and description of the
segmentation variables.
Describes in‐depth the
buyer in the customer
profiles buying roles, buying
behaviour, and buyer
decision‐making process.
Student uses valuable
information to support the
business decision.
Outstanding and sound
description of persona(s).
Social Media Objectives
Selections of
appropriate and realistic
SMART objectives to
support social media
Little or SMART objectives
Satisfactory inclusion of
SMART objectives.
Some objectives require
adjustments and/or
alignment with proposed
Good inclusion of SMART
Objective are coherent and
aligned with social media
proposal and support
Very good inclusion of
SMART objectives.
Very good selection of
objectives supporting social
media strategies, and very
Outstanding selection and
description of SMART
Objectives are well‐set and
aligned with social media
PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 6 of 7
strategies proposal.
social media strategies. identified opportunities.
Minor amendments required.
good alignement with social
media opportunities.
proposal, and reflect social
media opportunities
identified in the analysis to
build and maintain the
brand personality.
Social Media Plan
Appropriate social
media strategies and
content proposal
towards client.
Soundness of strategic
recommendations to
Little or inadequate social
media strategies
Lack of details in the
media plan.
Selection of social media
platforms and/or
suggested topics do not
support brand personality
nor are appropriate from a
content perspective.
Basic attempt at determining
social media strategies.
Basic selection of content
and platforms.
Some content may not be
appropriate or aligned with
the brand.
A clear and good attempt at
determining new social media
Good selection of appropriate
content, which may help to
build and maintain brand
personality in the future.
Good and sound completion of
social media plan.
Very good attempt at
determining new social
media strategies.
Very good selection of
content, which support the
Very good and accurate
completion of social media
Outstanding and thorough
proposal of social media
Excellent selection of
content aligned with the
brand personality.
Outstanding and accurate
completion of social media
Justification and
supporting evidences
Limited understanding of
key concepts required to
support discussion.
Confuses logic and
Information taken from
reliable sources but
without a coherent
analysis or synthesis.
Viewpoints of experts are
taken as fact with little
Resembles a recall or
summary of key ideas.
Often conflates/confuses
assertion of personal
opinion with information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course
Analysis and evaluation do
not reflect expert
judgement, intellectual
independence, rigor and
Supports personal opinion
and information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course
Demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant
Identify logical flaws.
Questions viewpoints of
Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
research/course materials
and extended reading.
Well demonstrated capacity
to explain and apply
relevant concepts.
Viewpoint of experts are
subject to questioning.
Analysis and evaluation
reflect growing judgement,
intellectual independence,
Systematically and critically
discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
research/course materials
and extended reading.
Information is taken from
sources with a high level of
interpretation/evaluation to
develop a comprehensive
critical analysis or synthesis.
Exhibits intellectual
independence, rigor, good
judgement and adaptability.
PRL201_Assessment 1_Social Media Strategy Proposal_Module2 Page 7 of 7
rigor and adaptability.
Evaluation & Measuring
Little or no inclusion of
evaluation and measuring
Lack of metrics to support
social media strategies.
Inclusion of some evaluation
and measuring tools.
Basic selection of metrics to
support social media
Good selection of evaluation
and measuring tools.
Good selection of metrics
supporting the analysis,
evaluation and adaptation of
social media campaigns.
Minor adjustments required.
Very good selection of
evaluation and measuring
Very good selection of
metrics supporting the
analysis, evaluation and
adaptation of social media
Excellent selection of
analytical tools.
Outstanding selection and
explanation of metrics
supporting the analysis,
evaluation and adaptation
of social media campaigns.
Presentation and
Unprofessional writing
Major spelling and
grammatical errors
throughout the
Major inconsistencies
with submission
Limited or no in‐text
Overall report
presentation poor.
Few or no references
Writing standard
Minor spelling and
grammatical errors
throughout the
Minor inconsistencies
with submission
Limited in‐text
Overall report
presentation adequate.
Limited references used.
Good writing standard. Few
spelling and grammatical
errors throughout the
Few or no inconsistencies
with submission
Good in‐text referencing.
Good overall report
Good variety of references
Writing standard very
No spelling and
grammatical errors
throughout the
No inconsistencies with
submission instructions.
Very good in‐text
referencing and support
from academic sources.
Overall report
presentation very good.
Wide variety of quality
references used.
Information provided and
writing level excellent.
No spelling and
grammatical errors
throughout the
No inconsistencies with
submission instructions.
Excellent in‐text
referencing and support
from references.
Overall report
presentation excellent.
Excellent variety of
quality references used.

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