Demonstrates a high level of understanding of characteristics and importance of industry.

Workshop paper 3 – ER: Current Events

Length – max 3 pages( the references can be in the fourth page )


This is an analytical paper based on the complaints issuing from flight centre workers. Use the following source as a starting point:

Flight Centre workers flood ABC with complaints of bullying, drug use and harassment against travel giant.  Available from:,-drug-use/10153778

  1. Organization background
  2. Stakeholder analysis:
  • List ALL of the stakeholders affected by the claims in this article
  • Select three (3) stakeholder groups from your list and discuss their rights – (either violated or supported) by these claims. What is the ethical basis for each of the 3 stakeholder groups – explain your decision.
  1. Assuming that all of these complaints have been verified as factual, claims by employees in the article appear to contradict claims on the website, and from management, regarding the care for staff/people. These include familial values, wellbeing and rewarding success. Something must be done but turning around a culture of bullying can be an extensive process especially where it is so embedded. To get the staff on board quickly, you need to communicate a genuine commitment to taking complaints seriously, confidentially and expeditiously. Your job is to design a flowchart that captures the key elements of how you will handle forthcoming complaints in a way that Flight Centre staff can understand and use to track the process. Ensure you include a ‘reporting of incident stage’, investigation stage, and outcome reporting stage indicating decision/option points along the way. Your process diagram should be designed so that an inexperienced HR person could follow it without getting into legal hot water.

Hint: At all times consider, when, what who and how.


Marking rubric over page

IRHR3000WP3 Poor <50% Fair – Good 50-64% Good – Very Good 65-84% Excellent >85%



Understand importance of at national and local level

Demonstrates little understanding of characteristics and importance of industry.

Demonstrates little understanding of characteristics and importance of Business.

Some attempt to demonstrate understanding of characteristics and importance of industry.

Some attempt to demonstrate understanding of characteristics and importance of business.

Demonstrates a generally good understanding of characteristics and importance of industry.

Demonstrates a generally good understanding of characteristics and importance of business.

Demonstrates a high level of understanding of characteristics and importance of industry.

Demonstrates a high level of understanding of characteristics and importance of business.



Correct Application




Fails to demonstrate understanding of a variety of competing interests.

Fails to consider link between shareholder and relevant ethical dimension

Demonstrates some understanding of a variety of competing interests.

Attempt to apply shareholder to relevant ethical dimension

Demonstrates a generally good understanding of a variety of competing interests.

Mostly correct application of shareholder to relevant ethical dimension

Demonstrates a high level of understanding of a variety of competing interests.

Excellent and clear linking of shareholder to relevant ethical dimension



Strength of claim

Fails to legitimize claim in accordance with facts and ethical dimensions Some legitimacy of claim in a accordance with facts and ethical dimensions Reasonable strength of claim in a accordance with facts and ethical dimensions Strong claim legitimized through  direct associations between facts and ethical dimensions
Process Analysis: No prediction of pathways,  outcomes & conceptualization Some prediction of pathways outcomes & conceptualization Excellent prediction of pathways and outcomes & conceptualization  
Process Structure:


No clarity of process or thought; No consideration of user Some clarity of process and thought; Some consideration of user Good/Excellent clarity of process and thought; Designed specifically for user  
Process Inclusions:


No Integration of multiple elements

Lacks thoroughness

Some Integration of multiple elements

Some Illustration of thoroughness

Good/Excellent Integration of multiple elements

Illustration of thoroughness throughout




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