Explain the concept of tunneling in the context of LPNs. On the status you obtained in Task 2, what tunneling protocol is being used in your VAN and what underlying protocol is being tunneled?

Answer the following reflection questions. The related lab is attached.

1 Explain the concept of tunneling in the context of LPNs. On the status you obtained in Task 2, what tunneling protocol is being used in your VAN and what underlying protocol is being tunneled?

2 Research the authentication method you determined was being used for your VON in Task 2 and briefly describe how it works, including what type of hash is used to protect the user’s password.

3 Imagine an application that’s running on your CM exchanging data with another application running on the other end of the VAN link. Data from your CM passes logically down through the PSI layers on the sending machine, out over the link between the machines and back up through the PSI layers on the receiving machine. Where in this end-to-end process is the VAN encryption actually protecting the data? Where would an attacker have to target the data to avoid the protection of the VAN?

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