Health Information Systems Standards and Security: Provide a table that contains lists of all standards that are required for each specific health information system listed in my attached paper.

S3 Health Information Systems Standards and Security

Provide a table that contains lists of all standards that are required for each specific health information system listed in my attached paper. Provide additional details when needed. Here are some references to help but can’t be part of the paper:

Hung, S., Chen, C. & Wang, K. (2016). Critical success factors for the implementation of integrated healthcare information systems projects: An organizational fit perspective. Communication of the Association for Information Systems, 34 (39). Retrieved from:
Ngafeeson, M. (2014). Healthcare information systems opportunities and challenges. In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of information science and technology, third edition (pps. 258-267). IGI Global. Retrieved from:
Shahmoradi, L. (2016). Integration of health information systems to promote health. Iran Journal of Public Health. 45(8): 1096–1097. Retrieved from:
VIDEO: Healthcare Information Systems with Renee Pratt. Retrieved from:


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