Identify and discuss one contemporary ethical issue which has emerged as a result of using social media.

• ​All learning outcomes and task specifications have been achieved to an exceptionally high standard (according to the level of study).

• ​The outcome of the assessment task is presentable in a professional context and may extend practical or theoretical knowledge in the field. It displays an exceptionally high level of understanding, evaluation, insight, analysis, reflection and/or criticality (according
to the level of study), and connections are developed both within and beyond the task set.

• ​The work’s organization, structure and presentation are developed to an exceptionally high standard.


• ​All learning outcomes and task specifications have been achieved to an outstanding standard (according to the level of study).

• ​The outcome of the assessment demonstrates an outstanding display of understanding, exploration, evaluation, insight, analysis, reflection, criticality and/or research (according to the level of study). Connections are developed both within and beyond the task set.

• ​The work’s organization, structure and presentation are developed to an outstanding standard.


• ​All learning outcomes and task specifications have been achieved to high standard
(according to the level of study).

• ​The outcome of the assessment demonstrates an excellent display of understanding, exploration, evaluation, insight analysis, reflection, criticality and/or research (according to the level of study), and connections are developed both within and beyond the task set.

• ​The work’s organization, structure and presentation may be developed to an excellent standard.



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