How to Minimize Biases and Increase Objective Decision Making: Identify three biases that can influence the outcome of an analysis.

While risks may be obvious in a project, individual biases can influence the ability for change to be effective and may be more subversive. The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore potential biases that can alter the outcome of a needed change and to identify ways to identify and minimize these biases. This assignment is important as it presents a differing way of examining analytics and the perception that data is an objective tool for making decisions.
How to Minimize Biases and Increase Objective Decision Making
Data analysis is about using information and knowledge to make decisions. Although it can be presumed that the data is objective, it is possible to skew results due to heuristic errors and biases.
Identify three biases that can influence the outcome of an analysis.
Explain what they are and how they arise.
Provide suggestions on how each bias can be minimized or overcome.

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