MS Project Scheduling and Salvaging a Project: Project management is a critical part of human resource management since it sets the foundation on how the personnel within an organization will be arranged.

Human Resource Project Plan 2

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Human Resource Project Plan
May 31, 2007
Project management is a critical part of human resource management since it sets the foundation on how the personnel within an organization will be arranged. In setting the foundation of the project management discussion, it is paramount to assess the functions of scope management. In so doing, it is critical to first of all understand that the management of the entire scope is a critical part of human resource management. In order to augment our understanding on this subject, this study will carry out an unequivocal analysis on a project charter that can revamp the compensation and benefits package. The study will further present a communication plan for compensation and benefits package and culminate with an assessment on a work breakdown structure for compensation and benefits package.
A project charter is critical since it sets the way on how the project will be developed. The charter should be precise and a synopsis on the project that gives the manager of the project the rights to proceed with the project. In addition, it also enables the members of the project to have a lucid understanding of all the components of the project (Kloppenborg, Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2012). This consequently ensures that all the members in the team are accountable for all their actions and consequently sets the way for the timely completion of the project.
The overview of the scope includes how the project will be started across the country in order to aid in the job satisfaction. The job tasks will need to be restructured and the roles will be fitted in a better way in order to increase the level of skills for the employees. N addition, it also outlines how the employees will be integrated in the decision making process in order to improve the overall job satisfaction. Compensation is a critical part of job satisfaction since it is the primary source of income for many individuals and this therefore implies why it is the primary focus in this study. The employees will need to be subjected to annual increase in salary based on the performance reviews as well as the amount of time that the person has been with the company and finally the structure of the job. It will also be critical to take into consideration whether there are some benefits that have been provided by the organization such as the medical insurance. The new design and pay levels will go a long way in improving the job satisfaction among the employees while at the same time motivating them to perform better in their jobs.
The project scope can either be the component of the project or the content of the work. It mainly encapsulates the identification and naming of all the projects that should be performed, the different categories of the end projects as well as all the projects that should be consumed or used throughout the project. Scope management is therefore critical for every manager of the project.
One of the critical parts of scope management is conceptual development. This is an area that involves the definition, identification and documentation of the various objectives of the project in order to meet the overall goals of the project. One of the things that are involved in the conceptual development includes a summary of the project that is aimed at detailing how the project will be achieved.
In addition, there is also a formulation on the need and also the road map of solution development (Stewart & Brown, 2012). Some of the items that are involved at the end point of the solution development process include an analysis of some of the causes of the problem, results from the conceptual analysis, some of the results that are expected, an analysis of the costs as well as the benefits, some of the constraints that are considered and also the alternatives that should be considered.
The other thing that should be considered is the conclusion as well as the solution of the problem at the summary level. In addition, there should also be recommendations as to whether or not the project should be conducted beyond the preliminary level. The objectives of the project should also be highlighted as well as a summary of the work breakdown structure. In addition, the scope of the project will also involve a summary of the project master schedule.
The documentation as well as the approval of the requirements of the project is critical prior to conducting the project. The definition of the project is one of the most important aspects of project management in human resource management since it makes it easier for the project managers to divide the work into manageable segments. In so doing, it makes it easier to assign tasks for each specific task and further ensures that every segment is defined and communicated effectively in a way that improves the performance of the project scope.
The implementation of the work breakdown structure males it easy for the work to become identifiable and also dividable in a common framework. The approval and documentation of the scope is critical before proceeding to other phases and it should therefore be recommended in every human resource project (Kless, 2010). The baseline of the scope provides the way through which all the decisions of the design are made as well as the verification of the measures that have been achieved. The final process in the scope management is the evaluation of the various imminent changes.
The case for the business
There are various causes of job dissatisfaction in the workplace but most of them are associated with the benefits that come with the job and also the pay. There is therefore a need to have some complexities in order to ensure that the employees are actively involved in the job and further minimize, reduce or even avert repetitiveness. The lack of compensation is often one of the largest causes for job dissatisfaction and it is therefore critical to redesign the job and change the employee pay and further add some benefits in order to increase the satisfaction of the employees in the jobs that they do.
A communication plan for the compensation and benefits package
It is imperative for every company to come up with their communication plan on how they will implement their communication strategy. Some of the considerations that should be made include aligning the communication strategy with the overall strategy of the business. It is critical for the communication plan to have the support of the top management in order for it to be successful. The communication plan should be crafted by the top management as well as the other levels of management.
Some of the objectives of developing a communication plan for the compensation and benefits package include fostering awareness, appreciation, understanding and also motivation. It is imperative to ensure that the communication plan is crafted and changed as often as possible. The strategy and philosophy for compensation should include the relationship between the reward and the risk and also the pay for performance.
In addition, it should also include the base pay that will include the strategy for the payment and also the administration for the salary (Stewart & Brown, 2012). Moreover, it should also include the merit policy as well as the timelines for the increase. It is critical to ensure that all the employees within the organization have a basic understanding for the range of the salary.
Some of the elements of compensation that should be communicated include the variable pay that includes the objectives of the compensation strategy as well as the link to the various strategies in the business and also the terms of the payout. In addition, it should also include the eligibility in order to outline who should be given the compensation as well as the time when he/she should be given.
In addition, it should also include how the program works as well as the targets, the payout that is expected to be dished out as well as the progress. Moreover, it should also detail the aspects that are contained in the equity plan either through the tax or the vesting consequences and finally how the whole program works.
It is critical to ensure that all the information in the organization has been acquired legally. In so doing, it is imperative to ensure that there are short-term as well as long term incentive programs. The communication plan should also include the progress dials for the performance through updating of the information on a regular basis. In addition, there should also be calls for the post earnings (Kless, 2010). This should then lead to positive responses dials from the employees and further include information on how the performance should be shared and also to various links where the employees can learn about the pertinent information within the organization.
In developing the communication plan it is also imperative to identify the audience by identifying the targets. Some of the target audience for this project includes the managers as well as the supervisors. In addition, it also includes the professionals. Moreover it should also include all the workers within the organization those that are salaried as well as those that are not salaried. The union workers should also be involved since they are also involved in the compensation programs. Other segments that should act as the target audience include the family members of the employees that are employed in the organization as well as other future and prospective employees.
The communication programs should also involve a total reward communication program for the managers. The communication program should be conducted through the following ways. The first one is through meetings as well as through presentations. In addition, they should also be conducted through workshops. The meetings will provide a real time feedback and interaction (Kloppenborg, Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2012). The presentations on the other hand will provide for the verbal information as well as the non-verbal information and also the workshops that provide a communication source from a trusted source.
Another method of communication the plan is through paper sources such as the use of brochures as well as booklets. In addition, other sources include newsletters as well as memos and letters. Some of the advantage of these methods of communication includes the fact that they enable the audience to read at their own pace and also promotes consistency. In addition, it also provides for reference and to also share with other audiences that may be interested in the information.
Other methods of communicating the compensation and benefits package are mainly technology based such as websites and also the use of e-mails. In addition, other sources include the use of CD-ROMs and also the use of podcasts and portals. Moreover, organizations should also web and video conferencing as methods of communicating the compensation and benefits package and also the use of webcasts. Some of the advantages of these methods of communication include the fact that they deliver the message in a quicker way and is also convenient in the fact that is saves cost. In addition, these methods also communicate information that is time sensitive. Moreover, they also enable the employees to search and access the data as and when they require it.
Some of the factors that should be considered prior to the selection of the communication methods include the kind of audience that is being targeted. Some of the factors that should be considered in the audience include the culture, location and also the language all of which will be critical in determining the best method of communication. In addition, it is also critical to consider the resources such as the time as well as the budgets and costs.
When formulating the communication plan, it is imperative to determine the communication timings for the main milestones and events such as the annual and semi-annual meetings or the monthly and quarterly meetings. There should also be compensation statements that illustrate the value of rewards and further aid in enabling the employees to make prudent decisions.
Implementing a new communication plan requires a revised or new plan for compensation and it is imperative to sell the new plan to the employees (Kless, 2010). This is one of the methods of increasing the return on investment through an approach that is properly structured and balanced. In so doing, it is imperative to articulate the objectives of the communication plan as well as the main messages that are being targeted to the target audience. Finally, it is also critical to measure the progress of the communication plan and solve any challenges that may be present.
1. Employee Compensation and Benefits WBS
1.1 Beginning the process
1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations
1.1.2 Development of the project for the charter
1.1.3 Deliverable: provide the charter for the project
1.1.4 Provide the reviews and the sponsorship for the project
1.1.5 The approval and signing of the project charter
In conclusion, it is evident from the study that compensation and benefits packages are critical in every organization. This is because of the apparent fact that they are critical in improving the job satisfaction of employees. One of the factors that should be included in the compensation and benefits package is the communication plan since it will set the way for the development and the implementation of the compensation and benefits programs. Prior to the development of the communication plan, it is critical to assess the scope of the project and further conduct a work breakdown structure after the development of the communication plan in order to foster its success.
Kloppenborg, T., Nkomo, S., Fottler, M., & McAfee, R. (2012). Human Resource Management(2nd Custom Ed.). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.
Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2012). Human resource management: Linking strategy to Practice (2nd Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Kless, E. (2010). Project Management for Accountants. Journal Of Accountancy, 209(4), 38-42.

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