Project management: Describe the role of the critical path method regarding task assignments and the negotiation of resource allocation within the project team.

Previously in the course, you were asked to think of a project you have been involved with at your place of employment (Dallas County Sheriff Department). Think of that same project, imagine that you have been appointed the project manager, and complete the following:
Create a schedule of the project tasks to be performed, and describe how the behavior of individual team members can determine the tasks they receive.
In addition, describe the key processes you would follow when managing the project schedule, including how much oversight each project team member may require, again based on their behavior.
Indicate how using the precedence diagram method can help you manage team tasks and avoid conflict within your team.
Also, describe the role of the critical path method regarding task assignments and the negotiation of resource allocation within the project team.
This assignment should consist of three completely full pages, and any sources, including your textbook, should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.
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