Select a marketing topic you learned this week that you really liked or enjoyed, and then search in the Wall Street Journal (either online or hard copy, both are available through the NU library) and select an article about that topic within the last 12 months.

Select a marketing topic you learned this week that you really liked or enjoyed, and then search in the Wall Street Journal (either online or hard copy, both are available through the NU library) and select an article about that topic within the last 12 months. To do this, you can visit the online library at National University ( and search the ProQuest Central database (on Nu’s library website, go to “A to Z databases, go to “Q” and pres “ProQuest Central”. Once there you will click the “publications tab” and enter “Wall Street Journal” into the search bar. Select the edition and search articles of interest. If you have difficulty finding Wall Street Journal articles, please watch the short tutorial below or you can contact our MOBS librarian,

Read and analyze the article and write a two-page report containing: a) a brief summary/highlights of the article (about half a page), b) the lessons learned (1-2 paragraphs), and c) the practical application in your company, the company your work for, or any company you are familiar with in another industry or product, or country.
Make sure you cite the article properly (SPA style) Please select a marketing topic you learned this week that you really liked or enjoyed, and then search in the Wall Street Journal (either online or hard copy, both are available through the NU library) and select an article about that topic within the last 12 months. To do this, you can visit the online library at National University ( and search the ProQuest Central database (on Nu’s library website, go to “A to Z databases, go to “Q” and pres “ProQuest Central”. Once there you will click the “publications tab” and enter “Wall Street Journal” into the search bar. Select the edition and search articles of interest.



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