Strategic management and planing

Tests are used to measure skills, abilities, and knowledges. They can be used to determine whether an individual attained a basic level of competency or exhibited an increase in competency levels. Tests can measure physical attributes or capabilities, such as stress tests for heart patients. At times, pre-tests measure the level of understanding at the start of a course or program of study, and a post-test is used to measure whether the subject matter was learned or understood by the student.
This class in Strategic Management and Planning looked at issues, processes, concepts, and applications relevant to many public sector work units. Each of you came to class with a different knowledge base and level of expectation. In addition to the text readings and online work, each of you has undertaken a research project in an area of your choice but related to the course work. The class readings, lectures, class discussions, online components, and your research have added to your basic knowledge of this topic.

1. You have been assigned the task of developing a strategic plan for your organization. As an initial step, you have decided to develop an organizational profile. What is an organizational profile? What should the process be to develop the profile? What information will you include, and where will you get your information? How will you utilize the information?
2. As the leader who has responsibility for moving the organization ahead, you have been assigned the task of developing the vision for the future. How would you do this? Who would be included in the process? What criteria will you use to select members for the committee? What type of training would you need to ensure the team is the most effective possible?
3. Provide 10 concepts, issues, philosophies, or practices in the areas of strategic planning and management that you can utilize in your workplace. Name the aspect, describe it, and explain the implication for your workplace. This does not have to be in essay form but can be in bullet form.
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