The Last Supper: What is the shape or structure of the elements (line, color, texture, space, light) of the work of art?

The Last Supper: What is the shape or structure of the elements (line, color, texture, space, light) of the work of art?

  1. Subject: What is the work of art about? What is the theme or major idea?

    3. Medium: What are the materials of the work of art? Of what is it made?

    4. Form: What is the shape or structure of the elements (line, color, texture, space, light) of the work of art?

    5. Content: What is the meaning of the work of art?

    6. Historical Context: In what culture or civilization was the work of art made? When was it made? How are the values of the culture or civilization embodied in the work of art?

    7. Style: What is the characteristic manner of composition of the work of art? Is it Medieval, Classical, Archaic or Modern?

    8. Use the Modern Language Association’s guidelines to parenthetical reference and bibliography.

    9. The term paper should be typewritten and double-spaced. Please use 11-12 point font. The term paper should be 10 pages in length.

    10. Please use 3-5 references, books, journal articles or Internet resources. Do not use all Internet resources.

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