Write your answers in a Word file and upload the file before the due date on Blackboard.
Write your name and registration ID on the first page of your Word file.
Answer scripts can only be uploaded on Blackboard any time before its deadline.
To avoid any unforeseen problems, you are advised NOT to wait for the last hour to upload your answer script.
Submission of answer copy will be considered acceptable through Blackboard only.
Therefore, do not submit your document through email or any other medium.
Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed in class.
Do not copy answers from the internet or other sources. The plagiarism of your answers may be checked through Turnitin.
Recheck your answers before the submission on BlackBoard to correct any content or language related errors.
Double check your word file before uploading it on BlackBoard to ensure that you have uploaded the correct file with your answers.