GENRE CURATION AND SHOWCASE: Identify any changes in your total charges during different seasons or after installing energy-efficient appliances.


Writing Task
The specific genre of writing that is common or well-known to most people is the bills. Most people are familiar with the primary idea of bill payment and help in saving time. Payment can be made through logging into the bank or bill payment system website and instructs where payment should be made and then send the payment. In case, you pay for the tuition bills, you may use a check, and when paying technology utility bills then there are chances of making payment electronically. One significant difference between using payment services and writing checks is the source of payment (Sexton, 2015). Intrinsically, a check must have account information, and the money cannot be taken out of the account until the processing of check is completed. On the other hand, bill payment services involving sending a check on behalf of a person, so it is a scenario that payment does not come directly from your account. But money can only be taken out of your account provided there is the issuance of payment (Nichols, 2017). The main advantage is that the majority of banks offer bill payment for free. This is because it is less expensive for them to process payments made by bill payment than a payment made by handwritten checks. Comment by Microsoft Office User: A little bit tricky, try to think another word to describe what is a genre. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Talk about why bills exist as a genre.For example, greeting card genre is exist to express a sentiment. Comment by Microsoft Office User: The first paragraph need to talk what is a genre, and how it is important to our life. Lack of a thesis statement. A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or two sentences. It should present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the topic. Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and also help guide your writing (developable). Comment by Microsoft Office User: Useless sentence, add a thesis to instead.
The distinct examples of bills that are gathered include electric bills, tuition bill, technology utility bills, rent bills, and insurance bills. Bill payment systems operate on the same feature sets, but others are different. Most features are meant to make production more efficient. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Think about some digital examples of bills. See picture at the end. (Some bills are hardcopy(traditional), some bills are just a message sent to you, some bills are online.
The following are common features of the bills given above. First, they are recurring payments. For instance, a life insurance policy that needs to be paid each year for the next 25 years. It is a perfect case for recurring payments since the same amount is paid every year (Sexton, 2015). Mortgage and a few other bills are paid similarly. The feature operates effectively on renting and insurance bills which occur on the monthly or yearly basis. On the other hand, electric bills, tuition, and technology utility bills are completely different since they are paid on the need basis. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Try to not use transition words like first, second, third… Comment by Microsoft Office User: good
Second, they are scheduled payments. Bills paid once a month are scheduled to be paid at fixed dates in every month. In fact, bill payment systems that are supporting scheduled payments can allow an individual to specify future dates for one-time payments to be paid. In case, a bill comes in and is not due for some days like 26 days, and an individual can schedule the payment to go out on a particular day like day 23 to allow enough time to get there (Elsharkawy & Rutherford, 2015). However, electric bills, tuition, and technology utilities bills may not have scheduled payments since their usage is never uniform and varying from one month to the other. Renting and insurance bills are seen to be constant so can comply with scheduled payment approaches. Comment by Microsoft Office User: For the body paragraph, it is not only talk about the similarity, we also need to talk about the difference. Why they are different but they are still the same genre. Comment by Microsoft Office User: good
Third, they also allow electronic billing. It is not common as such, but some banks allow their customers to retrieve their bills electronically. In reality, when someone tries to go in to make payments, it shows how much that person owes for each organization. Also, it possible to automate such that the company gets paid the right amount every month (Elsharkawy & Rutherford, 2015). Intuitively it is not a standard feature, and where it is applied, it does not offer any form of integration with a significant number of organizations that involve submitting bills. Objectively, this feature has the capability of working on all the bills mentioned.
Essential to bills give a representation of a severe obligation that must be handled. It implies that if bills are not paid, then it could lead to severe or even life-threatening consequences. Bills aid in the determination of debts that are important and which should be prioritized depending on the seriousness of the consequences that an individual would suffer for non-payment. Priority should be given to family necessities such as basic food and certain medical expenses. Although these expenses need to be at the top of the priority list, they need to be kept to the absolute, bare minimum (Elsharkawy & Rutherford, 2015). As such, bills are essential in the daily expensive since they offer some control mechanisms.
Adaptation of this genre can be used by different communities to meet their purposes in a variety of ways. Communities can make informed choices. For instance, people can make a shift in their purchasing practices by choosing sustainable goods and services (Sexton, 2015). In other words, people will take time in gathering information for making an informed purchase. It will assist in avoiding wastages since bills are essential factors in budgeting and decision-making process. Another way is the minimization of waste. People will be adjusted to buy only products that they need most. In fact, excessive packaging that can lead to high cost are avoided (Kwan, 2014). Sustainability will be attained by applying these keywords; reduce, reuse, and recycle that aid in environmental conservation as well as saving the bills.
The genre will evolve depending on the economic growth as well as inflation. For instance, developed countries experience high renting, insurance, and tuition bills because of having high living standards associated with economic growth. But with other nations are gearing towards becoming a developed world which would lead to the general increase in the bills all over the world (Nichols, 2017). Besides, some countries have optional bills such as medical insurance, but with time they will become mandatory because of fear being left behind. Therefore, there is a high expectation of the evolution of the genre regardless of the duration. Comment by Microsoft Office User: The evolve of the bills should be what kind of format the bills in future will be, not why some bills will be more. For example, the future bills will become digital, not hard copy. We may use email to make payment or phone APP to make payment. Why those evolution may happen? Think about lifestyle of people…the development of phone, and computer…etc.
These few examples teach us how the genre helps in enhancing the idea of sustainability. It is an idea that many people like since it brings consciousness about the environment among the population. Besides, examples bring the concept of prioritizing the most essential products or services regarding the cost (Bradley, 2009). They make people strive to have the knowledge or technical abilities to assists in facing difficulties while adapting to the changes in the genre.
Images of Examples of Genre
Electric Bill
C:\Users\user\Documents\inforgaphic17.jpg Comment by Microsoft Office User: Change this image to the image I provide below
Technology Utility Bill
Tuition Bill
Renting Bill
Insurance Bill

Electric Bill
This bill represents the request for payment of electric consumption in different places such as houses. It keeps changing because the prices of fuel is never constant unlike renting and insurance bills.
This bill includes the following:
1. Units consumed- is the total amount of electricity used in a period and are derived from the meter reading
2. Fixed charges-a monthly fixed amount on electricity bills
3. Electricity duty- it is additional cost per unit of electricity and this amount goes to the government.
4. Electricity tax-states apply tax on sale of electricity and is usually in percentage and applied in total bill amount.
5. Fuel surcharge –captures the change in cost of electricity generation.
6. Tariff structure
7. Traffic category
8. Connected lead.
Renting Bill
This is a bill which is paid for accommodation in an apartment. It is mostly paid in the monthly basis. It is a bill which remain constant for long period without being change. In case, a change occurs, it is always minimal unlike other bills like electric bills, tuition bills, and technology utility bills. The picture shows a sample of renting bill of an apartment.

Tuition Billt

Tuition Bill
This payment made in order to access education services from institution. Indeed, tuition payment must be done to finish any form of registration in the institution. Like electric bill, it is also never constant since its components are dynamic in nature.
This bill includes the following :
1. College fee- payment for classes offered by the institution.
2. Accommodation fee-payment for accommodation in the school premises.
3. Medical fee-payment for the health facility for medical services while in the institution
4. Entertainment fee- payment for entertainment activities within the institution.
5. Library fee-payment for library services
6. Internet fee-payment for internet services such as wifi.
7. Examination fee- payment for exams and other assessment.

Technology Utility Bill
This bill gives represenation of the charges thaty involve the use of phones and computers. It incudes internet charges and phone call charges. This bill is th most dynamic one since it change on daily basis since it depends on the flucatuations in the currency. Its changes are more frequent than changes in the electric bill and tuition bill.
This bill includes the following items:
1. Phone call charges in form of airtime.
2. Internet charges in terms of bundles.
3. Transaction fees involving payment of water, sewer services, credit card.
4. Money transfer costs through mobile transaction methods.
Insurance Bill
This is a bill representing the payment of a premium agreed between the insurance company and the individual insured. It is a bill paid depending on the agreement and mostly done on monthly basis, for example, life insurance, medical insurance, and other risks. Some are paid on yearly basis, for example, comprehensive insurance for motor vehicles and industrial insurance. This bill apparently remains constant in the entire period of insurance unlike other bills which keep on changing depending on the situation in the economy. An example of insurance bill is shown in the picture below;

Bradley, B. (2009). Tax reform’s lesson for health care reform. New York Times. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Too much reference used
Elsharkawy, H., & Rutherford, P. (2015). Retrofitting social housing in the UK: Home energy use and performance in a pre-Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP). Energy and Buildings88, 25-33.
Kwan, K. H. (2014). U.S. Patent No. 8,650,126. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Nichols, B. (2017). Introduction to documentary. Indiana University Press.
Sexton, S. (2015). Automatic bill payment and salience effects: Evidence from electricity consumption. Review of Economics and Statistics97(2), 229-241.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: See this image, This is a message from Tmobile, a phone service company, we know this a bill, but it do not have the amount. How we conclude this is a bill? What’s the difference between other bills and what’s the similarity. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Learn more about the areas highlighted on the energy statement example: 1. Key Account DataYour account number and due date are located at the top of every page. The account number is a 10-digit number. Have this number handy when you need to call us about your energy use. You can receive a separate monthly energy statement for each active account. 2. Service AddressYou can receive PG&E service at multiple locations. This section indicates which property is being charged. 3. Your Account SummaryThis area shows a snapshot of your bill in large, easy-to-read format. The account summary provides an overview of charges, payments received and your total amount due. A more detailed breakdown of your charges is available on the following pages. 4. Questions About Your Bill?Use the information found in this section to contact us when you have questions about your bill. 5. Total Amount DueYour charges and payment due date are located on one line. 6. Savings AlertReview notes about any special programs or other details that affect your bill total. 7. Monthly Billing HistoryThis chart shows trends in your monthly energy use. It can help you identify any changes in your total charges during different seasons or after installing energy-efficient appliances. 8. Important MessagesPG&E uses this space to share timely information, ranging from summer safety tips to regulatory updates. 9. Remittance StubThe remittance stub indicates your account number, bill due date and total amount due. Return your payment to the address shown.  We include a windowed return envelope with your bill. Place the remittance stub with the PG&E address showing through the window. The back side of the remittance stub includes an area for you to update your account information. The back side of the stub also includes an overview of your payment options.

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