Learning in theory and practice: Collaboration and motivation – theorizing group work in a middle years’ English lesson.

The first half of the title of this assignment is:

‘Learning in theory and practice’

We would like you to add your own second half of the title to show the focus of the assignment. Here are some examples taken from previous students’ work:

  • Learning in theory and practice: The effect of Vygotsky’s social constructivist approach in a Year 4 Classroom with a focus on peer interaction.
  • Learning in theory and practice: Learning by doing – Montessori’s principles of movement, interest, order and repetition in pre-school speech and drama lesson.
  • Learning in theory and practice: Collaboration and motivation – theorizing group work in a middle years’ English lesson.

You are asked to write 3,000 words (+/- 10%).

My topic should focused in second half on the title on Negative Numbers.

Personal experience about it Y8: teaching and assessment.

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