Research and write a historiographical synopsis on your period of interest that identifies key historians, their writings, and their changing interpretations over time.

Preliminary Proposal and Basic Bibliography

I want my historiographical synopsis to be on the National Woman’s Party (NWP)

Forum #2: Based on your response in Week 1, research and write a historiographical synopsis on your period of interest that identifies key historians, their writings, and their changing interpretations over time.


Remember you are researching broad historiographical trends, and not specifics related to your thesis.

The goal for this week is to start researching on the broadest scope of your topic to get a feel for where your argument will fit in with the works of historians who came before you.  I would like you to find at least three books (no tertiary sources!) and two peer-reviewed journal articles to discuss in your post this week.  I want you to explain what the argument of each source was and how those ideas fit with your own.  Which sources put forward the same interpretations/conclusions that you hold?  Which sources disagree with your interpretations/conclusions?

After you explain each source, please provide full bibliographic citations for each source.  I expect these to be properly formatted in Chicago style, as this is the required format of the field of History.  Of course, if you choose to quote from your sources, you will need to provide footnotes in addition to the required bibliography.


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